Kansas State University


Powercat Financial

Meet the new Powercat Financial Executive Director!

I don’t know about you, but for me the new school year always brings a combination of excitement, anticipation, nerves, and expenses! I’m excited to see/meet ALL the people, I’m full of anticipation for learning new things, I’m nervous about forgetting names and getting lost on campus, and I love new school supplies, a new outfit for the first day, and dining out with friends!


This year, the new school year is combined with a new home and a new job! I just joined the K-State team as the Executive Director for Powercat Financial and a Professor of Practice in the Personal Financial Planning Department. I’ve got all sorts of exciting things going on (no, I’m not talking about unpacking all the boxes), I’m pumped for the new year (school supplies, K-State gear, new faces), and boy howdy does my budget need a little attention after the move and all the expenses (necessary and fun) that it took to get my family here!


I joined the K-State team with 25 years of experience in the financial services industry. I’ve worked pretty much all over the board with my emphasis in helping vulnerable populations. As an Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC®) my area of one-on-one expertise is helping people create and maintain strong financial foundations…and THAT is what Powercat does for students—hence my excitement to join the Powercat team!!


A few key things to know about me:

1.      I love to meet knew people! Please stop by my office (302 Student Union) to say hi!

2.      I love answering questions about personal finance! Budgeting and credit are my two favorite topics!

3.      My budget is NOT perfect. I am married (husband—Slade), have two children (Kaden—18 and Slaeda 13), and have four dogs. We all make different demands on our financial resources.

4.      I love to cook, but hate to do the dishes, so if I get the chance to eat out, I’ll often take it.

5.      I believe budgets/spending plans should be living, breathing documents that help us live our best lives.

6.      A penny saved…is still money saved. Small goals accomplished are still goals accomplished!

7.      I believe in positive self-talk (especially around financial topics) and helping people develop a functional relationship with money as a tool.


Powercat leads the financial well-being initiative across campus as part of Kansas State University’s commitment to being a Health Promoting University and I am thrilled to be here and very excited to get to know you. Stop on by…I have snacks.