Whether you purchase your eggs from the local grocery store, market or down the nearest dirt road, it is important to understand the labeling on your product.
Grade: Purchasing eggs that are Grade AA meet USDA quality standards for clean, well shaped eggs with no evidence of defects after candling and are less than 15 days old. The eggs will drop down to Grade A after 15 days without temperature and humidity control. After thirty days the eggs will decrease to grade B. Eggs older than thirty days cannot be sold.
Size: Size is determined by the weight of one dozen eggs. Jumbo eggs have a weight of 30 oz per dozen, Extra large is 27 oz per dozen, Large 24 oz, Medium 21 oz and small eggs have a cumulative weight of 18 oz.
Egg packaging and labeling should include: Grade and size. Name and address of farmer, producer or seller. Package date and freshness date (not to exceed thirty days from date of packaging). Safe handling instructions.
Check out the link below for safety precautions with farm fresh eggs.
Food Safety Checklist for purchasing local farm eggs from University of Minnesota Extension: