Intern Program

A Big Thanks

posted by Kyle Rohrmann on 3/27/2014

The intern class has been fortunate enough to have a supportive class of senators guiding us along our way throughout the year. As interns, it was the first time for many of us experiencing the craziness and insanity of Kansas State Student Government Elections and having the guidance of the senators helped quite a bit. We were lucky enough to have two meetings dedicated to having experienced senators give us tips, tricks and advice on how to be successful. From where to chalk to the logistics of rules and regulations, they made sure we weren’t led astray. All of the interns who partook in the elections process really learned a lot and gained very useful knowledge for future elections. The intern class would like to thank the current senators for their mentorship and guidance throughout the process!


Kyle Rohrmann


Intern Class 2013



How To Be Successful At K-State
Posted by Joe Tinker on 3/27/2014
In deciding the purpose of our intern project, we decided that we wanted to create something that would be educational for students, especially underclassmen. After much deliberation, we decided to create a list of pro tips related to K-State, entitled “How to Be Successful at K-State”. In our early brainstorming sessions, we accumulated over 30 individual tips, including “use the Alumni Center as a study room” to “go to Mr. K’s for a cookie bake” and everything in between. In the spirit of being brief, a small group was formed to narrow the list down to the 10 best. After we had the 10 best, we divided up and got pictures for each tip, and compiled it and uploaded it to Buzzfeed. Our final project is here: Please read through it and share it to all of your friends!
Joe Tinker
Intern Class 2013
Elections and Reflections
Posted by Jordan DeLoach on 3/8/14
It’s been a busy week to say the least. Elections just finished up and we will have a new Student Body President and Vice President soon, along with a new legislative and judicial branch (and interns come August!). This year was definitely one for the books with the Presidential ticket winning by the largest amount ever recorded. Though K-State SGA has such a big impact, from funding Lafene and the Rec Center, to negotiating Student seating at Athletic events, these people make a big difference. This year a total of 12.17% of the student body or 2992 students voted. With the biggest event of the year in the books, and now making the transition from Intern to Senator, it’s interesting to look at the things I learned during the intern program.
Being an intern you get to learn so much, so much it is almost overwhelming. Not only do you attend Senate and your committee meeting weekly like other members of SGA, you always get to attend the most fun meeting of the week: the intern meeting. Intern meetings are to say the least, fun. At intern meetings we do everything from socializing and learning about SGA to planning intern projects, and intern t-shirts. We don’t just get lectured on what different parts of SGA do, we have the actual source come present to us. Presidents, Attorney Generals, Chairs, and Speakers come present to us and give us insight into what exactly their area of SGA does and really gives an intern insight into the entirety of SGA. Getting this perspective on the variety of activities helps interns figure out if Senate is right for them, or perhaps they want to go to judicial, or perhaps just nothing. We’ve learned a lot this year, but the term isn’t over yet! We have 4 more meetings in the term and I am sure Becky has an action-packed schedule for the remaining intern meetings!
Go Cats!
Jordan DeLoach
Intern Class 2013

Making an Impact

Posted by Wyatt Pracht on 3/8/14

When I first applied to become a Student Senate Intern, I had no idea just how big of an impact it would have on my freshman year of college. SGA has given me opportunities that have helped me overcome the challenges of transitioning into college. As freshman, we are placed in an entirely new atmosphere filled with many different programs and people. SGA has given me many new friendships, increased my leadership capabilities, and has given me a passion for serving the students of our great university.

Over the past few weeks I have increasingly noticed just how big of an impact these things have had on me. Over this time period, we have been working on our intern projects that targets potential students looking to get involved in SGA. To set this handout apart from others, we have been developing a fun and laid back format to highlight the opportunities and benefits that SGA provides to students. We have also been working on a tips packet to help potential freshman transition into college.

Working on these projects have increased our cohesiveness as a group and allowed us to be productive in a timely and efficient manner. Not only has this work had an impact on us, we hope that it will have an impact on current and future students. I personally hope that these projects inspire someone to get involved in SGA because you never know who could be the next student body president or college senator.

As this year’s term draws closer to the end, I could not be more thankful to everyone that had made an impact on me and I can only hope that I have done the same for others. Working with my fellow students has shown me how big of an impact SGA has on students and has inspired me to help make that impact better for students. Finally, I can’t wait to see what the future holds for SGA and what kind of impact it will have.

“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” –Jackie Robinson

Wyatt Pracht


A Smashing Good Time

Posted by Erin Woods on 3/8/14

As a SGA intern, I have learned so much, both from those elected to positions and my fellow interns. However, one of my favorite aspects of the Student Governing Association is getting to work on a committee for the school year. I was lucky enough to be put on the Governmental Relations Committee and have enjoyed every minute of it. Walking into the OSAS conference room every Monday night is always an experience. The people in my committee are a chaotic, wonderful mix of humor, kindness, intelligence, creativity and ambition. We have managed (in my opinion) to wisely pick significant projects to put our allocated funds to and also been able to help other committees with their projects. We recently began to work with the Communications Committee on one of their projects, which has been incredibly fun and interesting. Their members bring a completely new aspect and view to the meetings, which is fantastic. We have managed to be productive, but have had a smashing good time. All in all, my enjoyment of SGA and my committee is beyond words and I will be incredibly sad when the year is over. I will continue to be involved in SGA however I can and cannot wait to see what next year holds.

Erin Woods


These Election Things

Posted by Jessica Van Ranken on 3/3/14

“So what are these election things I keep hearing about?” This question, or some variation of it, has been floating around a lot on campus lately as our sidewalks are chalked, our trees are plastered, and our social media is overflowing with campaign material for student government elections. Being involved in the Student Governing Association as an intern this year has fueled my excitement and enthusiasm for elections, as I have become educated on the importance of SGA and the importance of every student’s vote.

So what are these election things? SGA elections, held each spring, allow K-State students to use their voice to elect student senators from their college, as well as the Student Body President and Vice President team which they feel best represents their interests. K-State SGA is a prime example of the opportunity extended to students of this university. The high level of opportunity for involvement is an essential aspect of the K-State experience, and SGA exemplifies this opportunity for both those running and applying for positions and for those voting on who should represent them. Students interested in obtaining a position in SGA in the springtime have the chance to run for a position as a senator, apply for a position in the executive branch, or apply for a position in the judicial branch. Students not interested in these positions can still be involved in the process by voting for the candidates they believe would do the best job at the position they would fill.

Despite voting being a quick, simple form of involvement for students, K-State SGA typically sees a fairly low voter turnout. This is disappointing, considering the fact that the administration at K-State grants students involved in SGA a great deal of input and voice when it comes to matters that affect the student body. SGA allocates millions of dollars to facilities such as Lafene Health Center and the Recreational Complex, as well as clubs and organizations that positively impact wildcats throughout the entire university. SGA allows for students to have a voice in how their dollars are spent and the progress that their university makes.

Voting is an easy way to become a more involved member of the K-State family. Take a few minutes out of your day March 4th or 5th to access the link and vote for the candidates that you feel would best fulfill the duties they would be undertaking. Unsure of who is running or what they stand for? Spend a few minutes on social media, take a look around campus, or even contact the candidates. Become an informed voter and exercise your right as a K-State student to vote and participate in decisions that affect you. The time I have spent so far as an intern in SGA has been a privilege, and has allowed me to observe effective student leaders diligently carry out their positions. It is crucial that these positions are continually filled with great leaders, because K-State SGA truly makes a significant impact on the lives of students. Understand that your vote matters, become educated, and go vote.

“Decisions are made by those who show up.” – Unknown

Jessica Van Ranken



Why Thursday is My Favorite Day of the Week

Posted by Emma Barnett on 02/13/2014

Both of my older sisters attended K-State, so I grew up with purple pumping through my veins. My childhood include eating in Aggieville on game day, attending Blue Key banquets, and knowing how to do the shuttle drop by the time I was ten. Some of my best memories were made at K-State, but I was concerned that if I attended school here I would always be stuck in the shadow of my siblings.

I kind of stumbled upon SGA by accident. I was desperately searching for an organization that was untouched by either of my sisters. It seemed that SGA was a logical choice, so I applied to be an intern. The aspect that attracted me to the SGA intern program at K-State was that the interns have a purpose. We aren’t just running and getting coffee or making copies. In our intern meetings we work on our very own projects, we learn how to be successful senators and we laugh at Becky. A lot. I just want to say how thankful I am to be surrounded by such inspiring leaders. My intern class is seriously top notch and I have no problem bragging about how great they are!

I also just want to explore where I would be if I weren’t an intern for SGA. I am so appreciative and proud of the legacies my sisters have left behind. They inspire me every day to be the best version of myself, but for the first time in my life, I feel like my own person. Student Governing Association is responsible for this personal growth. By accident I stumbled upon something I love and I hope to stay involved in my entire time at K-State. Thursday is now my favorite day of the week. I’m that nerd that has this week’s agenda up on one side of my computer and last week’s agenda up on the other side. The senators and interns in SGA have inspired me to create my own identity and forge my own path here at Kansas State University.


Hakuna Matata,

Emma Barnett

Intern Class 2013


Interns are Like Onions. Onions Have Layers. Interns Have Layers.

Posted by Mollie Hart on 02/06/2014

Life as an intern is never dull. As a whole, we are quick an exciting group. One of the things I’ve realized recently is that every single one of us has something to offer; we all bring something special to the table. We all have various layers, not a single one of us is our stereotype. There is no cookie cutter Intern, and I think that’s something pretty special. We are a diverse group of individuals from California to Kansas, we’ve got it all and we put it all into everything we do; our projects, our meetings, our legislation, and most importantly, our relationships.

Even though I have only known this group of people for a semester, they are some of my closest friends here at K-State. They are reliable, kind, humorous and witty, everything you’d look for in a good friend, team member, or representative. I may be coming across a bit over confident, but that it not my intention. My entire goal with sharing these thoughts to you is not to brag, but to inform. I believe that everyone with any kind of investment in Kansas State University, emotional, financial or otherwise should know what he or she are investing in; if for no other reason than just good business. You are investing in the futures of amazing fledgling adults. We’re all here to learn and gain experience, and if you’re reading this, then you are helping. Thank you. It means more than you know.

Happy thoughts,

Mollie Hart

Intern Class 2013


SGA’s Campus Wide Impact

Posted by Madeline Frankel on 12/06/2013

Tuesday I was giving my final speech for my Public Speaking class, I decided to do an informative speech about what SGA is and what SGA does. I talked about all of the branches, committees and the intern program. At the end of class I asked my teacher how long my speech was and he told me it was “ten minutes and 30 something seconds.” I had gone over my maximum time. At first I was frustrated with myself because that meant I would lose a point or two. I started thinking about what I could have done to make my speech shorter, or what I could have cut out, but I couldn’t come up with anything. I explained what all the branches did, what the committees did and what the interns did. SGA does so much for the K-State student body I couldn’t even condense my speech to less than ten minutes.

At my first SGA meeting this year, before I was even selected as an intern, I heard my Wildcat Warmup counselor and Technology Director Theo Stavropoulos stand up in senate and talk about K-State Webmail and wifi. When I learned that SGA was in charge of Webmail and Wifi I was so surprised, I would have never thought that students would run things that affect every student and faculty member. In high school I was part of student council but the biggest thing we planned was Homecoming or the canned food drive.

Now that I’ve been part of SGA for almost a full semester I now know how much work SGA actually does, from making it possible for free parking at the Rec, funding the construction of a new union, or making sure the wifi works on campus. SGA members work really hard to make things possible for students. I have really enjoyed the opportunity to be able to see senators debate for a club to have enough funding to travel to a convention so they can further their education and bring more knowledge back to K-State.

Madeline Frankel

Intern Class 2013


SGA Interns: A Thrilling Adventure

Posted by Caitlyn Webb on 11/11/13

Many times, the importance of teamwork is emphasized through corporate meetings and formal seminars. It is true that a team is defined by their ability to work cohesively and yield positive results. So what better way for the Intern Class to strengthen our unity than through participating in the K-State High Ropes Course this past Sunday! Not only was it much more exhilarating than a formal meeting, but the brisk weather kept the atmosphere far from stuffy.

We began the “Mini Retreat” with introductory games of Ninja and People to People. Both activities effectively lightened the mood and removed all pre-established “personal bubbles.” Afterwards, the interns were “harnessed” and “helmeted” up. The activities required us to participate, in some way or another, as a unit. Whether as the active participant in the air, a member on the Belay Team, or an encourager on the ground, every person had a role to play that led to the greater success of the individual and team. It was a great feeling of accomplishment to overcome the challenge of balancing on a wire and working around one another while suspended thirty feet in the air. The greatest feeling was watching others succeed in each task. From an outside perspective, it would have been impossible to tell that anyone was uncomfortable or frightened by the demands of each activity. Everyone fearlessly scaled the towers, maneuvered around the ropes and wires, and raised him or herself atop towers just to jump off again (which might seem redundant, but we were promised that it truly wasn’t, and that in fact, it genuinely was fun J).

In a way, this retreat was symbolic of what our desires and ambitions as interns are. We want to venture into the unknown tasks that will make K-State stronger. Some tasks might seem terrifying at first, some might require a huge leap of faith, but there is security in the knowledge that when we work together, we cannot fail. We realize that through collaboration and unity, we can work efficiently and effectively to meet the needs of the students, faculty, and alumni. As our intern journey continues we might be placed in different roles, each requiring a different set of skills and each fundamental to the overall success of serving K-State.

After spending an afternoon with my fellow interns, I may easily attest that individuals such as these define K-State. Individuals who are: Intelligent, Goal Driven, Adventurous, Fearless, and Compassionate. There is great compassion in encouraging another to succeed. There is great strength is utilizing personal gifts for the betterment of a team. Above all else, there is great success in constructive teamwork.

It is a privilege to serve Kansas State University alongside such encouraging and vibrant individuals. The possibilities of what may be accomplished this year are truly endless.

In closing, since no SGA note would be complete without a quote, here’s a timeless thought to remember whenever an obstacle might come your way:

“Open different doors, you may find a you there that you never knew was yours. Anything can happen.” – Bert and Mary Poppins from Mary Poppins.

Happy Thanksgiving & Go Cats!

Caitlyn Webb

Intern Class 2013


Congrats to the new class of SGA Interns!

Posted by Becky Brady on 9/19/13

Jill Applegate
Emma Barnett
Jordan DeLoach
Rick J Dewees
Madeline Frankel
Luke Garrison
Audrey Gerber
Asher Gilliland
Mollie Hart
Alec Khoury
Kevin Klein
Jordan Korb
Natalie Kutney
Kaleigh Lorenz
Tyler O’Briant
Wyatt Pracht
Kyle Rohrmann
Greyson Spriggs
Abby Steiner
Gretchen Stone
Joseph Tinker
Jessica Van Ranken
Caitlyn Webb
Morganne Wiltse
Erin Woods

So You Want to be an Intern?

Posted by Becky Brady on 9/7/13

You’re an Underclassmen?

You want to do something on campus other than homework?

You think it would be pretty neat to get to know the Student Body President and the Student Senators of your college?

You want to learn information about this great University before everyone else knows too?

Well you’re in luck, because applying to be an Intern for the Student Governing Association will do all of that, plus so much more for you!

It is my great pleasure to inform you of one of the most important roles of involvement offered on campus to underclassmen. The Student Governing Association Intern Program is geared mainly toward freshmen and sophomore students seeking an interest in University wide leadership, participation and impact on the current and future status of our school as a whole. The Intern Program of the Student Governing Association (SGA) is structured to educate and engage the intern class how to understand and distinguish current and upcoming events, changes, and issues cycling through life as a K-State student. The Intern class receives all rights that Student Senators are given, excluding voting privileges.

The application and interview process that leads up to becoming an intern begins by picking up an application from the Office of Student Activities and Services (OSAS) located on the ground level floor of the Union, or by downloading and printing an application from the SGA website. After a committee reviews the applications, interviews will be held.

The Intern Program requires and consists of the Interns attendance at the Student Senate meetings every Thursday at 7pm in the Big XII Room in the Union. Also, every other week there will be an Intern Meeting held in the Conference Room in the Office of Student Activities and Services before the Student Senate meeting in the Big XII room at 6:30. Intern Meetings will consist of learning about each committee of the senate, what they are exactly doing for the betterment of our campus, what each branch does throughout the year to improve our University, reviewing and understanding every Bill that will go through the Senate and what it’s significance is, and building strong relationships between the Intern Class as well as between the Interns, Student Senators, Faculty Advisors and the Executive Student Senate Board.

Applications for the Intern Class of 2013-2014 are due in OSAS no later than Wednesday September 11, 2013 at 4pm. Interviews for the Intern Class will be held on Sunday September 15, 2013 ranging from 8-5 divided into 10 minute slots. A sign up sheet for an interview time is available at the front desk in OSAS, as well. It is highly recommended that underclassmen interested in the Intern Program attend the Student Senate meeting on September 12, 2013 at 7pm in the Big XII room of the Union.

Go Cats,

Becky Brady and Kyle Nuss Intern Coordinator and Speaker of the Student Senate

I mean come on, look at this great looking group of people and think about how much they learned, achieved and impacted. Besides all of the serious stuff, they all actually became best of friends through out the year too. Go for it- APPLY!


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