First Year 4-H Mom

Month: October 2015

Houston we have projects!

From the 4-H Agent to the first time 4-H family, choose your projects wisely! It is easy to get overwhelmed if you sign up for too many. Trust me, your children will want to do them all. They do sound super fun and it is hard to choose but setting a limit of two or three your first year is wise.

Keeping that game plan in mind I was totally prepared to shoot down Daryl’s hopes of multiple projects for his first year. What I wasn’t prepared for was this:

Me-“Daryl what project would you like to take your first year of 4-H?”

Daryl-“ummm I don’t care.”

Me, a little panicky-“What! Don’t you want to do arts and crafts, dog, woodworking, electric and Legos??”

Daryl-“Sure all of those.”

Me, realizing I just blew the game plan-“It would be better if you just did two or three honey.”

Daryl-“But I want to do all of those, YOU said them.”

Me-“OK, how about Dog and Electric”

Daryl-“Only if I can use Vinny”

Me, knowing that 13 year old Vinny deserves better in his old age than to be drafted as a 4-H dog in his twilight- “You have to use Purl, she is only two and Vinny is too old.”

Daryl-“OK but I want to do crafts too.”


So now that you and your new 4-H’er have some projects this is a great time to set goals. It is hard to set goals at the end of the 4-H year when you are looking back to see if you achieved them. Let’s make the last week of October goal setting time. For your first year appropriate goals are to learn something in the project, be specific about what you want to learn. Make a talk about your project, you will have opportunities in 4-H to make project talks. And, it is icing on the cake if you can work a service project into your 4-H project. For example if you trained your dog well enough to visit an after school program or a rest home that would be a great service project with your dog. So learning, sharing and serving are all great goals!

This is Purl 2 years ago when cousin Cedar brought him to our family.
This is Purl 2 years ago when cousin Cedar brought her to our family.

Enrolling in 4-H

Happy National 4-H Week! October is the start of the 4-H year so nationally we celebrate our program the first whole week in October. Clubs have special activities planned and we encourage all youth to wear their 4-H shirts to school and share their favorite parts of 4-H with their friends.

You can tag your 4-H pictures on social media with the hashtag #4HGrowsHere.

It has been fun to search that hashtag and see what 4-H youth across the country and around the globe are doing.

Last week I talked about visiting a 4-H club. I hope you have a meeting on your calendar for October. Once you find a club you like you enroll in Kansas 4-H by using the 4-H online enrollment website.

On 4-H online you create a family profile and add your 4-H’ers and select the projects they would like to learn about in the 2015/2016 4-H year. This week’s goal for Daryl and I is to sit down and select projects together. I know what I want him to study but I’m sure he has other ideas. If I want him to be excited about 4-H it is best to let him pick his projects himself. BUT, we are not getting a snake, he has already talked about it and Mom and Dad do get VETO power. (PS- I know there are many lovely pet snakes in the world, I just don’t like them) 🙂

If you are getting stumped on the 4-H online site please e-mail or call our Shawnee County 4-H office professional Kim Seeley.

Kim has also posted this helpful video with step by step instructions on our website. Thanks Kim!

So for now, after you visit a club make a family profile on 4-H online. Next time, we will talk about 4-H projects and I will let you know how letting Daryl pick his own projects went.

This kid has ideas of his own folks!
This kid has ideas of his own folks!

Finding a 4-H Club

Hello! It’s me again with more 4-H fun! 😉

If you know about 4-H because you were involved in another county or you saw the 4-H exhibits at the Shawnee County Fair you might not know how to officially join. You join 4-H by visiting a club meeting and once you find a club you like you enroll online. 4-H is open to all youth 5-18.

Easy, right? But where might these things called club meetings be? Thankfully, we have a link for that! List Of Clubs Here

Also, if you are not in Shawnee County we have a website for all Kansas Counties. You can input your address on this website and your local extension office will help you find a club. How about that!

Feel free to look at all the times and places the clubs meet and visit more than one. It’s always nice to contact the club leader and let them know you are coming. That way, if that meeting time or place has changed the club leader will let you know. Every 4-H club runs a little differently and you want to find the one that works best for your family.

It is a beginning of a new month, so go forth and find a club to join! Also, feel free to ask questions in the comment box or let me know a topic you would like to see covered about 4-H.

4-H Club Meeting
4-H Club Meeting!
Another 4-H Club Meeting
Another 4-H Club Meeting!

Happy New Year!

Today is October 1st and the first day of the new 4-H year! If this is  your first year in Shawnee County 4-H I hope this blog becomes a resource for information for you.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Candis Meerpohl and I am the 4-H Agent in Shawnee County. This is my fourth year on the job and I feel like I have a good handle on my responsibilities. However, this is my first year as a mom of a 4-H’er!

If you find yourself in the same position, Fear Not! We will get through this together. Using my son Daryl as a guinea pig we will figure out 4-H together! I am going to use this blog to pass along the information I receive about 4-H to you. After all, 4-H is my full time job it shouldn’t have to be yours!

This will be a supplement to our 4-H Newsletter, the Chatterbox. Sometimes we don’t go into a lot of detail in the Chatterbox but you do get dates and times there and those are important.

So today, it is welcome to this crazy world of 4-H that is truly a family adventure. Tomorrow, we will talk about how to find a club to join!

1st year of 4-H! We got this!