Today is October 1st and the first day of the new 4-H year! If this is your first year in Shawnee County 4-H I hope this blog becomes a resource for information for you.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Candis Meerpohl and I am the 4-H Agent in Shawnee County. This is my fourth year on the job and I feel like I have a good handle on my responsibilities. However, this is my first year as a mom of a 4-H’er!
If you find yourself in the same position, Fear Not! We will get through this together. Using my son Daryl as a guinea pig we will figure out 4-H together! I am going to use this blog to pass along the information I receive about 4-H to you. After all, 4-H is my full time job it shouldn’t have to be yours!
This will be a supplement to our 4-H Newsletter, the Chatterbox. Sometimes we don’t go into a lot of detail in the Chatterbox but you do get dates and times there and those are important.
So today, it is welcome to this crazy world of 4-H that is truly a family adventure. Tomorrow, we will talk about how to find a club to join!