April is, undoubtedly, the busiest month for anyone in college. Finals are right around the corner, the last midterm tests are happening, and the days of the week are blurring together. This is also true for Smurthwaite—during the month of April, we had many events take place, so this post will be full of happenings!
The biggest thing that happened this April was our Initiation Ceremony for new members! The entire weekend was dedicated to bonding events, surprises, and then a ceremony on Sunday evening.

We are so excited to have all of our new members be “official” members of Smurthwaite. They have each brought new things to Smurthwaite, and we love their presence in the house.
We also had our annual scholarship banquet, which recognizes the achievements of women in the house. During this banquet, two outstanding Smurthwaite members were recognized for being house members for four years, Tina Langley and Cassandra Nguyen! We are so happy to have had these two in the house for so long and are sad to see them go, but we know great things are ahead!
We also had another candle passing during the month of April! Congratulations to our own Anna Guess and James Broyles on their engagement, we are so happy for you both!
For the first time in Smurthwaite, we had a woman enter the Miss K-State Competition, and Emily Kyle won first runner-up in the contest. Congratulations, Emily!

Some members of the house entered a meat/BBQ contest at K-State and won awards, and were the only all-female team! Go Smurthwaite!!
We also had our house formal at the end of April, and it was a blast to see everyone dressed up and jamming out at the dance.
As April comes to a close, all that has happened this month—good and bad—reminds us how lucky we are to live in a community where we all care for each other deeply and have forged true friendships. This will be my last full month post as publicity chair for Smurthwaite, so I (Sammie Goetting) want to give my thanks for all that Smurthwaite has given to me. I will never forget it!
With love,
Your Smurthwaite Sisters