The weeks between Thanksgiving break and winter break are some of the busiest, most stressful, fun and festive weeks of the semester. This update is organized around photos gathered throughout the weeks.
Before Thanksgiving break the house got together to take a photo for the Holiday Card. Smurthwaite enjoys wishing friends, neighbors and family a happy holidays with this festive card.
Those involved were committed, practicing at least once a week and had a lot of fun performing at Semi-Formal.Smurthwaite had cozy pj evening plans plans followed by the shoe rehearsal dance practice.Smurthwaite was transformed for a Christmas themed Semi-Formal.Santa made a surprise visit at our Secret Santa party.Rare photo of nearly the whole house taken after the last house meeting of the semester.Emily, our December graduating VP, taking attendance at her last fire drill.This evening was a silly game of hungry hungry hippos.Smurthwaite getting rowdy when given the opportunity during finals week. Each evening included one hour of fun games and activities to shake off the stress or celebrate being done with finals.
December wraps up the semester in a whirl wind and sent us all home for the holidays. Now in January, hopefully, we’re all about ready to get back together to take on another semester.