The spring semester has begun and the Smurthwaite girls are finally back together under one roof! As per Smurthwaite tradition, we kicked off the semester with Spring Retreat.
This semester’s theme was Candyland, so executive board members decorated the house according to the theme before members arrived.

Once all the members had moved in, we started retreat with a game. All of the members sat in a circle and competed to unwrap a giant ball of plastic wrap with pieces of candy inside.
Of all the bonding activities we did during retreat week, a fan favorite was the marshmallow game. The group had to work together to get each member across the “hot chocolate” on just five paper “marshmallows.” The catch was that some members couldn’t walk, some couldn’t talk, and some couldn’t hear. We tried all kinds of methods, including having everyone coordinate their steps to walk across, carrying people on our backs, and having one person at a time walk across on two marshmallows. It was challenging, but in the end we were successful and had fun working as a team.

As our final event of the weekend, we went ice skating. This was the perfect way to end a great retreat week! The spring 2021 semester is off to a great start, and there is lots of fun to come for Smurthwaite this semester!