October at Smurthwaite brought even more events than before! We started out the month with the first annual “Papa Smurth Day”, which is a celebration and bonding day for Smurthwaite women and father figures or leaders in their lives. There was a cookout, and all were encouraged to attend the home K-State football game! This event had previously been called Dad’s Day, but our house made the decision to change the name in order to encourage diversity and include all. We expect that future Papa Smurth Days will be just as great as this one!

This semester also included another candle passing! Congratulations to Suzanne Huntley and Chris Hall for their engagement. We are all so happy for you both!

One tradition here at Smurthwaite is called old member sneak. During this event, all of the old/returning women of the house “disappear” without notice for 24 hours. This is a great bonding activity and a way to also have some fun. For this year’s old member sneak, most of the old members went to Kansas City and hung out, watched movies, and ate snacks. We all had a great time!

Another house tradition is with our brother house, Smith. Every Halloween, the men of Smith hold an auction for their fundraising, and women can “buy” them and have them dress up for Halloween to go trick or treating for cans. One group dressed up as characters from Scooby Doo, and another as the different versions of Taylor Swift. Also, before Halloween, we held a Smith/Smurth social activity for pumpkin carving! Overall, this month was jam packed with many different fun events.

With love,
Your Smurthwaite Sisters