Well, it’s already March, and that means spring break is just around the corner! This being spring semester, there is busyness and stress in the air, so spring break is just what all of us at Smurthwaite need. However, it will be nice to come back from spring break to all of the lovely ladies here.
This month, our RA Cass put on an entire week of programs and events for Women Empowerment Week.

On Monday, there was a self defense program/activity held at Smurthwaite. During this, women who attended were taught useful self defense tactics to keep themselves safe if there ever be a need to. On Tuesday, there was a women’s health program, hosted by employees from Lafene. Wednesday, a formal dinner was held, and the PROVOST attended! On Thursday, which also happened to be International Women’s Day, we had a bra program, and Friday, we had movie night and fun! This week took a lot of planning, so shout out to Cass for executing it all perfectly! This week showed us that women are powerful and capable of lifting each other up in the greatest ways possible.

Another fun event we had during March was a “Mystery Dinner”. A mystery dinner consists of a menu with vague items on it that go along with a theme, for example “seashells”, “seaweed”, “ocean water”. Each of these items correspond to a food item or a utensil. So, during the dinner, each person is allowed to order a set number of things, except they don’t know what is what. A person may end up ordering spaghetti but with no fork! This event was fun for all involved.
March was fun, and we can’t believe that second semester is halfway over!
With love,
Your Smurthwaite Sisters