In a normal year, Smurthwaite’s new members would plan a surprise breakfast for the old members. However, in the current situation, there was a bit of confusion over whether it would be safe to have a meal as a group. So, to adjust for the changes, our new member class decided to start a new tradition – big appreciation week!
At Smurthwaite, each new member gets paired with an old member to be her “big.” Throughout the year, bigs treat their littles with quality time and a small gift here and there. Breakfast is the one thing littles do to treat their bigs, but this year we had to come up with something different.
Our new member co-presidents, Lily and Brianna, came up with the idea to have a whole week of littles showing our appreciation for our bigs. Each day we would do something different for our bigs.
But here’s the twist – breakfast was still going to happen.
At first, we weren’t sure if having a meal as a group would comply with COVID-19 guidelines, but since we usually eat meals in groups anyway, breakfast was approved by our RA and ACDI. As long as no one was required to eat with the group, the breakfast tradition was still on.
On Monday of Big Week, our new member presidents announced what we would be doing, which, until then, had been kept secret from the old members.
Monday morning, each big had notes from their little on their door. Tuesday, each little gave their big a personalized gift basket. Wednesday we gave our bigs quality time coupons, and Thursday we wrote thank you cards and left them under their doors.

Throughout the week, the old members loved the new tradition, but never suspected that we would surprise them on Friday. Since we told them it was against the rules, they thought breakfast was definitely cancelled.
Friday morning, the new members started cooking breakfast at 5:30, attempting to be quiet so we wouldn’t wake up the old members. At 6:30, each little went to wake up her big. The old members were surprised!

Big was a success! Our new member class had to adapt to a new situation, and we made the best of it. Hopefully, this new tradition will continue for years to come!