Kansas State University


Smurthwaite Scholarship and Leadership House

Tag: K-State

Spring Retreat and Ringing in the New Year (In that order)

The traditional photo op after hungry hungry hippos.

Spring Retreat by Codie Boyd

A new semester at K-State means new beginnings in classes and in Smurthwaite. So, to start our semester in the house off right, we had our Spring Retreat. This year’s Spring Retreat had several events ranging from bonding activities to a Chiefs watch party. The theme for the house this semester is the Wizard of Oz and several of our activities were related to this theme. One activity that we did was titled “In Search of a Brain”. This activity was a scavenger hunt where we all followed clues to find brooms that we needed to take to the “Wizard” (our president, MacKenzie). The girls had a lot of fun with the hunt and we were all rushing to be the first team to finish. Another activity that we did was a game of hungry hungry hippos. This game is played by one person holding a basket and laying on a rolling cart while another person pushes them around and they try to collect balloons in their basket. Then, the team with the most balloons collected wins! Everyone really enjoyed this game and several of us can’t wait until we get the chance to play it again. Continue reading “Spring Retreat and Ringing in the New Year (In that order)”

December in Photos

The weeks between Thanksgiving break and winter break are some of the busiest, most stressful, fun and festive weeks of the semester. This update is organized around photos gathered throughout the weeks.

Before Thanksgiving break the house got together to take a photo for the Holiday Card. Smurthwaite enjoys wishing friends, neighbors and family a happy holidays with this festive card.

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Spooky, Sneaky and a Whole Lot of Spirit

Another month has quickly passed. Smurthwaite celebrates many traditions in October. This year beginning with Old Member Sneak. The New Members and Old Members each have their own sneak. Sneak is a tradition that involves all of one group trying to get out of Manhattan for 24 hours without the other group noticing. This results in a sleepover bonding experience for the sneaked members. 

This year the Old Members, relatively successfully, ventured off to Wichita where we enjoyed home cooking, a campfire, smores and funny movies. Saturday, some began the day bright and early with some community service. Then we spent the rest of the day catching some deals at an antique store and the mall. Smurthwaite Old Members upped the game this year sneaking off with Smith’s tiger, Freddy Mercury. We’re still awaiting New Member Sneak…

Old Members being a bit goofy with “Freddie Mercury”

Continue reading “Spooky, Sneaky and a Whole Lot of Spirit”

Starting Strong

In August, the school year started off a bit late with a camp themed Smurthwaite retreat beginning on the 20th. The Smurthwaite Exec board put on a wonderful time of bonding and learning that included a Konza hike, a photo scavenger hunt and a blanket fort floor competition.Retreat always includes an Alumni Dinner. This year we had record alumnae involvement with 15 in attendance.

The basement was ready for a study room camp-out in their winning blanket fort.
Returning ACDI, Jordan Wolf and RA, Megan Campbell welcoming us on move-in day.












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