Kansas State University


Teaching & Learning Center

Author: Monica E. Vaca-Cárdenas

Mónica Elva Vaca-Cárdenas is a Ph.D student at Kansas State University in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. She has also been the Graduate Research Assistant at the Teaching and Learning Center of the Kansas State University for the last two years. Monica is from Ecuador, where she obtained the following qualifications: Doctor in Languages, mention International Cooperation, Diploma in teaching (EFL) English as a Foreign Language and a Master degree in Linguistics applied to EFL. Teaching experience: Monica has been teaching English as a Foreign Language for fifteen years in Ecuador, at elementary, high school and University level; and teaching Spanish for a couple of semesters in the International Student Center of K-State.

FETE Workshop 2016- “Generation me” videos


Generation me pictureWelcome – Brian Niehoff, Associate Provost
for Institutional Effectiveness

Changing Trends of Student Life
Scott Jones, Associate Dean – Office of Student Life

Dr. Jean Twenge
Generation Me: How Today’s Students Are Different

Sharing Experiences and Interactions with GenMe

K-State Student Panel

Dr. Jean Twenge
Understanding iGen