Course Evaluations
At Kansas State University student evaluations of courses are important. By gathering evidence of teaching effectiveness, departments and deans are able to make informed and objective decisions about retention, promotion, tenure and pay increases. The most important benefit of student evaluations is the feedback the evaluations provide directly to instructors, so they can refine their courses and teaching practices to provide students with better learning experiences.
Sometimes students do not know how to properly complete the TEVALS in terms of providing quality, constructive feedback that help instructors to improve their teaching (e.g., they say “this class sucked” or “this class is awesome”). In an effort to improve student awareness of how to complete TEVALS, we would like for you to respond to the following QUESTIONS:
1. Do you receive quality, constructive feedback about how to improve your class from your students?
1 a. If you do receive quality, constructive feedback, have you applied some (or all) of this feedback to improve your teaching? Why/Why not? Do you have recommendations for how we can improve the quality, constructive feedback that students provide to instructors?
1 b. If you do not receive quality, constructive feedback from students, what can we do to encourage students to offer quality, constructive feedback to instructors?
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