Kansas State University


Teaching & Learning Center

Tag: English

The first Day of class

Graduate Teaching Assistant Training
Fall 2014
It’s the first day of class! What do I do!??
Hospitality Management & Dietetics
Kansas State University


•That first day and…
–Teaching Beliefs & Perspectives
–Teaching Relationships
–Teaching Tips

Teaching Beliefs
•What is effective teaching?


•Effective teaching
–Who should decide?
–Art & Delivery
–Content & Technical Skill

Hospital Food

Teaching Perspectives
•What are the best practicesof teachers?
•What are the worst practicesof teachers?

•Best practices
–Engaging with the class, conversational
–Organized & consistent
–Able to relate subject to real life
–Say what is important
–Hands-on & participative

•Worst practices
–Reading from slides
–Monotone & no emotion, dry & boring
–Unorganized, not prepared
–Useless busy work
–Unpredictable tests -questions don’t come from teaching material
–Not understanding when students don’t understand
–Condescending or unapproachable

My Turn

What I think are the best practicesof students
–They are honest with me
–They try and they take some risk
–They come to work
–They accept criticism
–They bridge concepts with life and future practice
–They ask guest speakers, the instructor, and their peers good questions
–They understand I am human and mess up

What I think are the worst practicesof students?
–Not assertive
–Poor attitude
–Don’t try to apply material outside comfort zone
–Just want to get things “done”
–Need lots of pre-grading

Hospital Food

More -Teaching Relationships
•Learn from your students
•Admit to yourself and your students that you still have a lot to learn
–you’ll foster relationships while maintaining classroom authority.

Material students won’t forget
requires a
teacher they won’t forget

Teaching Tips
•Get creative & think differently
–Content vs. delivery
–Content AND delivery
•Use current events
•Use things/topics they do like in the program or field to your advantage
•10% exception

Thinking Differently
Nutrition Care Process
1.Nutrition Assessment
2.Nutrition Diagnosis
3.Nutrition Intervention
4.Screening and Referral
Financial Care Process
1.Financial Assessment
2.Financial Diagnosis
3.Financial Intervention

Thinking Differently









Management & Leadership

Applying Leadership and Management Theories

•K-State Campus Challenge Course
•HMD 560 Students


















Teaching Tips
•Class “committees”
–Technology committee
–Hospitality committee
–Quality control committee

•GTA roles differ
–Grading to full class ownership
–Lab/practicum to really big lectures
•Future Vita or Resume
–Seek feedback and data about your teaching
•Do it now –

Future Vita or Resume
–Seek feedback and data about your teaching

•Future Vita or Resume
Kevin Sauer –Vita
Job #1
Job #2
Fall 2014, Graduate Teaching Assistant, K-State

•Foster teaching relationships
–Ask about best/worst teaching practices
•Then, revisit this (remember, relationships)
•Learn from students
–Admit your limits (remember, relationships)
•Get creative and think differently
•Format/build your resume now

Thank you
Kevin Sauer
105 Justin Hall

EDCI 943

Welcome to EDCI 943: Principles of College Teaching

 1Principles of College Teaching is a graduate-level course offered both fall and spring semesters to graduate students and faculty through the College of Education.

The course is designed to help you think about teaching and learning at the college and university level. You will have the opportunity to develop or enhance teaching skills as a result of your work in the class, although the development of particular teaching skills is not the exclusive aim of the course. What you gain from the course will depend upon you, your focus and your effort.

Observation #1 – Fall 2014

Observation #1 – Spring 2015

Observation #1 – Fall 2015

Observation #1 – Spring 2016

Keep Calm and Teach on

Keep Calm and Teach on

August 26, 2014

Dr. Jana Fallin Ph.D. 


In this Workshop Dr. Fallin shared the following points you should remember:


  • Eye contact.
  • Proximity
  • Clarity in directions and questioning
  • Use learning preferences.  VARK (Aural – Visual – Reading/Wrtiting – Kinesthetic.
  • Change pace or activities every 7 to 10 minutes.
  • Use talk to your partner (TTYP) strategy.
  • Be enthusiastic
  • Don’t talk to much.
  • Include different types of grading.
  • Video tape yourself teaching.
  • Be careful with power point.  It can put them to sleep.
  • Ultra important… Have a plan.


Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail.


Discussion points:

  • How can you get the students excited about your class?
  • How can you get their attention?

Observation #1 – Fall 2014

Principles of College Teaching – EDCI 943
Observation #1 – Fall 2014

Here you and your partner can post your interview questions and the observed instructor’s responses to these questions. Please refrain from listing the instructor’s name in your post. We will discuss your observation and interview experiences during class on 9/25.