Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Author: Brooke Garcia

Watering Landscape Ornamentals

By Dr. Cheryl Boyer

It’s that time of the year when it’s both very hot and, likely, very dry. While it’s important to water landscape ornamentals all year long, now is a critical time to make sure plants have all the resources they need.

We have several publications about best practices for watering:

Newly planted trees (within their first year) should be watered at least weekly but check the soil to make sure it’s draining well. Slow-release watering methods like micro-pore bags and 5-gallon buckets with small (1/8-inch) drainage holes are a good way to apply irrigation to trees and some shrubs. However, remember to remove the bags when they are empty to ensure good airflow around plant stems and reduce pests and diseases. Removing turfgrass and other ornamental plants to at least the tree dripline (or beyond) will help trees access more water and grow more quickly—make sure to mulch the turfgrass-free zone to help retain applied water.

Established trees will benefit from a thorough soaking (to a depth of 12 inches out to and beyond the drip line) every 3 to 4 weeks. Established shrubs need water every 2 to 3 weeks during this drought- and heat-prone time of year. Plants growing in raised beds and berms may need to be watered every 1 to 2 weeks. Soaker hoses work well for watering established trees and shrubs.

You may want to consider taking advantage of a light rainfall (if you get one in July and August) by watering immediately afterward to help moisture move deeper into the root zone.

Any way you slice it, watering is a good thing. There are many other factors to consider for successful planting, but right now watering is top of the list. Keep it up—plants are thirsty just like you!

Horticulture Service Industry Safety Training Resources

By Dr. Cheryl Boyer

Winter is usually the best time for training. However, if you are onboarding new employees, you might want to check out these K-State Research and Extension publications on safety in the horticultural services industries. They’re available in both English and Spanish.

Would you like to see more publications in Spanish? If so, which ones? Click through the bookstore offerings (https://bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/) to see what is most valuable to you, and let us know.

It is time to…..WATER, WATER, WATER!

By Brooke Garcia

The temperatures are reaching summer high’s this week, and it is more important than ever to be monitoring and increasing watering schedules. Adjusting irrigation settings to accomodate for extreme temperatures will be vital for the health and survival of new plantings, as well as established plantings.

Featured in the Horticulture e-Newsletter, Ward Upham discussed the importance of watering for trees and shurbs. The article is featured in the link here.

Here are some other timely blog posts about watering as well:

New Publication: Industrial Weed Control

By Brooke Garcia

Visit the KSRE Bookstore to view the updated publication on Industrial Weed Control, which has a focus on right-of-way and industrial areas. This publication will describe how to manage weeds in the following areas:

  • near or around buildings
  • roads and roadsides
  • industrial sites and areas

“Excess vegetation can obstruct road visibility, create fire hazards, impair drainage, and reduce the useful life of structures. Reliability and public safety across rights-of-way and industrial areas require controlling unwanted vegetation.”  ~ Frannie Miller & Sarah Lancaster 

Get the PDF copy of the publication here: Industrial Weed Control 

Japanese Beetles

By Raymond Cloyd

This article is featured in the Kansas State University Extension Entomology Newsletter. 

Japanese beetle, Popilla japonica, adults are one of the most destructive insect pests of horticultural plants in landscapes and gardens. Japanese beetle adults are present throughout Kansas feeding on many plants including: roses, Rosa spp., littleleaf linden, Tilia cordata, oak, Quercus spp., Virginia creeper, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, apple, Malus spp., and grape, Vitis vinifera. The plant protection strategies implemented to manage Japanese beetle adult populations are limited, and have been for many years. The primary strategy has been spraying contact insecticides to kill adults, which will reduce plant damage.

Read more here: July 9, 2021 No 14

How to Avoid Being “Bitten” by Mosquitoes

By Brooke Garcia

Have you ever wondered how to reduce the chances of being bitten by mosquitos?  The K-State Extension Entomology Newsletter has a great post within their June 24th, 2021 No. 12 issues about “How to Avoid Being “Bitten” by Mosquitoes.”

Photo by: Susan Ellis, Bugwood.org

The recent post features:

  1. Source Reduction
  2. Personal Protection
  3. Insecticides
  4. What does NOT work against mosquitos

Read more on the Entomology Newsletter here.

Celebrating Pollinators Year Around

By Brooke Garcia

It was Pollinator Week June 21-27, 2021! How did you take part during Pollinator Week? Perhaps you had an encounter with a buzzy friend in the garden or planted some native perennials that attract pollinators in the landscape.

Celebrating pollinators does not need to be confined to one week only. You can do this in so many unique ways in your personal garden or landscapes you manage or oversee.

Photo taken in David Traylor Zoo of Emporia, KS by Brooke Garcia.

Here are some creative ideas to help attract and celebrate pollinators in our favorite landscapes:

  • Plant native flower beds, gardens, or local grasses to your landscape area
  • Add pollinator plants to flower pots
  • Incoporate native bee houses into the landscape
  • Host a pollinator plant sale or pollinator festival/event
  • Host an educational event with K-State
  • Choose a mixture of plants that flower during spring, summer, and fall
  • Reduce or eliminate pesticides in certain areas of your landscape if possible
  • Incorporate plants that encourage beneficial insects
  • Reach out to others and educate! Informing clients and friends is a great way to encourage change.

Here are some more ideas featured in the Extension Entomology Newsletter.

These are just a few ways to help support pollinators all year around! Have any pollinator topics you’d like us to feature? Email us at gardenhour@ksu.edu.

SAVE THE DATE! K-State Turf and Oranamentals Field Day 2021

By Brooke Garcia

The 2021 K-State Turf and Ornamentals Field Day is scheduled for Thursday, August 5th at the Rocky Ford Turfgrass Research Center in Manhattan, Kansas.

Address: 1700 Barnes Road, Manhattan, KS 66502

Date: August 5th, 2021

Time: There will be no formal welcoming session this year.  Tours will leave from the registration area about every 15 minutes beginning at 8:30 a.m. and running until 10 a.m.

  • Vendors will be present from 8 a.m. until about 1 p.m.  If you’re a vendor with interest in attending or sponsoring lunch or a “recorded video,” check HERE
  • You can arrive anytime between about 8:15 am (or earlier) and 9:45 am to join one of the tours.

How to Register:

  • OR MAIL “fillable” registration form (if you don’t want to register “online”): Available HERE


  • Faith E Free Church – 1921 Barnes Road, Manhattan, KS.

Learn more here: http://www.kansasturfgrassfoundation.com/uploads/8/9/7/3/8973595/2021turffielddayprogram.pdf



1, 2, 3…..look for bagworms!

By Brooke Garcia

The June 11, 2021 issue of the Extension Entomology Newsletter featured a recent post on Bagworms. The cool weather may have slowed the development of these landscape insect pests, but they are still going to be present this summer in the Kansas landscape on broadleaf and evergreen trees and shrubs.

Learn more in the Entomology Newsletter here: https://entomology.k-state.edu/doc/extension-newsletters/2021/KSInsectNewsletter%2010.pdf

Photo by: William Fountain at the University of Kentucky

Nonchemical Weed Control Methods for Landscape Beds

By Dr. Cheryl Boyer

Dr. Chris Marble at the University of Florida is a weed management whiz. He’s a machine with research and writing and a kind friend and teammate of mine from graduate school at Auburn University. Naturally, I’m pretty excited and proud to see a paper he has authored published. I’m going to kick off my series of posts for the K-State Turf and Landscape Blog by reviewing some of his journal articles with clarity on which practices apply to Kansas and which may not (since they have a few different weeds in Florida).

First up is the first in a two-part review of weed control practices for landscape planting beds. We all know that fighting weeds is a significant part of work in both landscape and turf worlds. Chemicals vary for both of those applications, and we’ll get into that next time. For now, nonchemical weed control is where we’ll start. What comes to mind? If you’re thinking mulching and hand weeding, you’d be right. However, some best practices may impact other weed management choices and hopefully result in reduced herbicide application.

Types of nonchemical weed control:

Type Example Pros Cons
Mechanical disruption Mowing, hand-pulling, hoeing, tilling Depending on the application, it may be the most aesthetically pleasing approach. Time-consuming, labor-intensive, disrupts soil structure, may propagate weeds.
Physical barriers Geotextiles, landscape films, or fabrics In combination with mulch, it can be very effective Reapplication required, material may be destroyed by weeds growing on top of the fabric, does not contribute to soil health, in Kansas wind can be problematic
Cultural control Mulching, plant selection, fertilization and irrigation placement, thermal treatment Great for soil health (organic mulches), aesthetically pleasing, reasonable weed control when applied at least 3-inches deep Mulch type matters, reapplication, and scouting required, inorganic mulches do not contribute to soil health, and rubber mulch leaches zinc and other heavy metals into the soil.


Mulching is the A-#1 best choice for nonchemical weed control the average landscape bed. However, material selection is essential. For organic mulches, stick with large chunky (coarse) pine bark or pine needles and apply it at least 3-inches deep. Hardwood bark can be acceptable, but some species (and it’s not always easy to know which species is in the product you’re purchasing) have allelopathic chemicals which could damage ornamental plants. Fine-textured materials like compost and screened bark may encourage weed growth, so avoid those materials or refuse to accept a bark load that is too fine if you plan to use it for landscape mulch. These materials do break down over time which is good for soil health but requires reapplication.

Inorganic mulches are not ideal. They’re expensive, generally heavy, difficult to apply (and challenging to remove), and do not break down over time to contribute to soil health. Rock mulches, in particular, may bounce heat back up into the canopy of ornamental plantings, contributing to plant decline. Rubber mulches leach zinc and other heavy metals into the soil, which can also harm plants. I do not recommend inorganic mulches.

Now let’s address landscape fabric, geotextiles, etc. I don’t recommend plastic material because research has documented that water, air, and nutrients can’t get down to the soil, so ornamental plants don’t have access to the elements of life. While landscape fabric can be adequately effective, it is not usually so because weeds grow on top and through if not appropriately managed. Mulch cannot degrade into the soil (enhancing soil health and facilitating the mulch material staying in place). That’s an important point in Kansas, where the wind often whips loose mulch away from planting beds, particularly if landscape fabric is applied underneath. At that point, the landscape fabric is often unsightly, flapping in the wind with no mulch to hold it down (unless the “mulch” is rock). Landscape fabric is only effective for a short period of time and does not control perennial weeds. There may be some applications where landscape fabrics make sense, but I don’t recommend it in general.

Plant selection: we’re talking about perennial groundcovers now. If they grow densely enough and don’t die back to the ground during the winter, they may shade out some weeds. Of the studies mentioned in Dr. Marble’s review article, the ones that grow well in Kansas include:

  • Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla mollis): 1 to 1.5 feet tall, 1.5 to 2.5 feet wide, June bloomer, full sun to part shade (can handle almost full shade, particularly in the afternoon), tolerates rabbit and deer. May be an aggressive self-seeder, remove spent flowers to avoid spreading too much.
  • Catmint (Nepeta xfaassenii): 1 to 2 feet tall, 1.5 to 3 feet wide, blooms all summer, full sun to part shade, tolerates deer, dry soil, and shallow, rocky soil. Sterile.
  • Moss phlox (Phlox subulata): up to 0.5 feet tall, 1 to 2 feet wide, flowers March to May, full sun, attracts butterflies, tolerates deer, drought, erosion. Need good drainage.
  • Goldenrod (Solidago sphacelata): 1 to 1.5 feet tall and wide, flowers in the fall, attracts butterflies, tolerates deer, drought, erosion, clay soil, dry soil, and shallow-rocky soil. Can colonize through rhizomes and self-seeding (needs deadheading to manage).
  • Sheep’s burr (Acaena inermis ‘Purpurea’): 1 to 2 feet wide, 1.5 to 3 feet wide, blooms June to August, prefers full sun and dry soil (low maintenance), tolerates deer, drought, and shallow-rocky soil.

Of course, we have to think carefully about using plant choice as a nonchemical weed suppression tool because some plants can become invasive (Liriope spicata, for example). Be aware of the Kansas noxious and invasive weed lists; you can find them here: https://agriculture.ks.gov/divisions-programs/plant-protect-weed-control/noxious-weed-control-program. Side note: did you know we have Kudzu in Kansas? It’s true, sadly. Kudzu is an interesting plant, but that is a story for another day.

Hand weeding and cultivation are always an option, although labor-intensive (and thus costly). Without other control measures, weeds will likely pop up again quickly.

Here’s a fun one: Thermal weed control. That’s right, steam, hot water, flame from a propane burner, or solarization. Thermal weed control has limited applications because you need to be careful about the areas around where you use the tool. Ideally, the use of these tools will be centered on hardscapes and other non-planted areas to eliminate large perennial and grass weeds. Solarization is a long-term process where plastic is used to cover areas for an extended amount of time to kill weeds and weed seeds. It requires reapplication and could damage nearby ornamentals or other tools like hoses or irrigation heads. These are likely not your best choices for nonchemical weed control and additionally can be dangerous. Use these as a last resort, get training, read manuals, and BE CAREFUL!

Lastly, consider fertilizer and irrigation placement. In container-grown nursery crop settings, weed pressure can be reduced when fertilizer is dibbled or banded within the container substrate profile. Fertilizer placement makes a lot of sense because if Nitrogen is easy to access, weeds will go to town (and your ornamentals may starve). Interestingly, sub-irrigation in container studies can be adequate for weed control. However, studies of sub-irrigation in landscape beds have proven it to be an ineffective practice for managing weeds.

These choices depend a great deal on the project, application, and client tolerance for weeds. The best approach is likely to apply various weed control methods, which may include chemical controls for the longest-lasting effect. We’ll cover those next time.

Marble, S.C., A.K. Koeser, and G. Hasing. 2015. A review of weed control practices in landscape planting beds: Part I—Nonchemical weed control methods. HortScience 50(6):851-856. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI.50.6.851