Kansas State University


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Home Training With Isometrics!

Happy hump-day! Today’s bodyweight workout focuses on isometric movements! Isometric exercises are any exercise where we push against something that can’t move (like in a wall sit) or where we pause mid way through a movement (like pausing at the bottom of a squat). Isometrics are a great way to get stronger and build when you have no or minimal equipment.

The only piece of equipment you’ll need for today is a standard bath towel, although a bed sheet or other similar material will work just as well.

If you’re using isometrics to try to build strength try doing more sets/reps in the 3-10 second range. For example 3 to 6 sets of 3 x 10 second holds.

If you’re using isometrics to try to get hypertrophy (muscle growth!) try doing longer times all at once for your reps. For example, 3-6 sets of 30-60 second holds.

The Exercises

Series A

3 to 6 sets of either: 3×10 second holds OR 1×30-60 second hold

Bear Crawl Plank

Isometric Lunge (do both sides)

Iso Y Raise




Series B

3 to 6 sets of either: 3×10 second holds OR 1×30-60 second hold

Towel Deadlift

Squat with Pause*

*I squat a bit above parallel because I just had hip surgery, if you need to modify an exercise to fit your ability level – that’s ok! If you need help modifying an exercise, drop a comment below!

Do 3-6 sets of 5 to 10 reps, lowering yourself down on a 3-5 count before exploding up rapidly

Pushup With Eccentric Emphasis*

*you can do these from your needs or from a counter top if you need to make them lighter




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