Kansas State University


Beach Blog

Category: Programs

Attend the livestream discussion “Connecting to Feminism: Women Artists at K-State”

Abstract watercolor painting in pink and yellowJoin us as current and former faculty from K-State’s Department of Art discuss how Feminism impacted their careers as women artists. Not all of the panelists have worked in the Feminist category, but Feminism continues to influence both the art world and contemporary society. The livestream discussion will be moderated by Theresa Marie Ketterer, curator of the museum’s current exhibition Women Artists in the Era of Second Wave Feminism. Guest panelists will include Geraldine Craig, Rebecca Hackemann, Nancy Morrow, Mervi Pakaste and Terry Schmidt. The virtual program will be held on Thursday, April 6, 2023, from 5:30-7:00pm. Guests may register in advance using the following link https://ksu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EOrelecUQlug0ue3oXX4ag. To view the recording of this and other, previously recorded programs, please visit the museum’s YouTube page.

This event is part of the Beach Museum of Art’s annual program series, Art in Motion: a tribute to Marianna’s love for lifelong learning! Marianna Kistler Beach believed in the value of art and the importance of cross-cultural understanding. The museum offers the Art in Motion programs in celebration of her work and leadership.

Image: Alice Baber, The Golden River, 1974, watercolor on paper, 30 1/2 x 22 1/4 in. 2017.562

Let’s Talk Art: Livestream Conversation with David Lebrun and Yuval Ron

Join a virtual conversation with the artists behind the video installation Transfigurations: Reanimating Ancient Art of India at the Beach Museum of Art. This multimedia exhibition features twelfth-century sculptures from Southern India in a unique and innovative way by combining high-resolution photography, animation and a specially composed musical score. Moderated by Jui Mhatre, Beach Museum Communications and Marketing Specialist, the segment will explore the multi-faceted collaboration.

Join the free program via Zoom.  Click here to register.  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the program.

Bronze sculpture of Shiva Nataraja

Image: Shiva as Lord of the Dance (Nataraja), Chola period, ca. 10th/11th century, Tamil Nadu, India, bronze, 27 1/4 x 24 1/4 x 9 1/2 in., The Art Institute of Chicago, Kate S. Buckingham Fund, 1965.1130. Part of the Shiva Nataraja video animation.

Next up in the Art in Motion program series

Do You See What I See?
Diverse Perspectives on Iconic Objects & Images
Thursday, November 3, 2022, 5:30p.m.
Photo of kneeling flag sculpture

Explore the museum’s new exhibition Do You See What I See? through a livestream conversation about four artworks with a group of invited participants, including K-State campus leaders and students and community members. Leading the discussion is Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) facilitator and museum specialist Nate McClendon. Participants will explore the exhibition’s theme: how people of diverse backgrounds see a familiar symbol or image differently. Offered in-person and livestream. Limited occupancy in the gallery. Online participation moderated by Associate Curator of Education Kathrine Schlageck.

Click here to register and join the free program via Zoom. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the program.

This event is part of the Beach Museum of Art’s annual program series, Art in Motion: a tribute to Marianna’s love for lifelong learning! Marianna Kistler Beach believed in the value of art and the importance of cross-cultural understanding. The museum offers the Art in Motion programs in celebration of her work and leadership. Support provided by Art Bridges.

Image: Archie Scott Gobber, Kneeling Flag (black), 2018, enamel and clear coat on steel, 58.25 x 48 x 36.5 in., photo by E.G. Schempf