Kansas State University


Beach Blog

Beyond Gravity exhibition celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing.

Beyond Gravity: Selections from the Permanent Collection
April 2 – October 19, 2019

Apollo 11 mission commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Buzz Aldrin, both Americans, landed the lunar module Eagle on July 20, 1969. This exhibition celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing and complements the Manhattan Public Library’s summer reading theme, A Universe of Stories.

The signature work, Moon Landing, is by artist and designer Raymond Loewy, who worked for NASA from 1967 to 1973. Loewy was employed as a Habitability Consultant by NASA when it designed the Skylab space station, launched in 1973. One of NASA’s goals in hiring Loewy was to improve the safety and comfort of manned spacecraft.

Another body of work featured in the exhibition is by Indian artist Rm. Palaniappan. “During my schooling, interest on science made me imagine myself as a scientist,” the artist has said. “(A)lso my deep involvement in mathematics and astronomy gave me a doorway to see a new world of abstractions.” Palaniappan’s Alien Planet series, Space Drawings, and Flying Man all reflect his fascination with flight and space exploration. From John Steuart Curry’s illustration study for a Ralph Waldo Emerson essay to Wisconsin engineer Erhardt C. Koerper’s Sun Flares to Lee Chesney’s Nebula, this exhibition invites viewers to travel beyond gravity’s reach.

Related Programming
ARTSmart summer classes, June and July 2019
School tours, April 2 – October 19, 2019

Top image: Raymond Loewy (United States, 1893 – 1986), Moonlanding, detail, 1979, color screen print with embossing on paper, 19 1/16 x 24 in., Kansas State University, Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art, gift of Gilbert E. Johnson, 2017.99. Bottom image: R. M. Palaniappan, Flying Man-1982 (detail), 1987, lithograph on paper, 2017.560

East Meets West Game Night


Whether it’s a racing game, battle strategy game, tile game, or a betting game, chances are they originated in Asia and the Middle East.

Image result for chutes and ladders board game     Image result for checkers board game                

 Image result for backgammon game                        

                               Join us                                                   Thursday, January 24, 5:00-7:00                for an evening of games, food and fun for      all ages to celebrate our newest exhibit,

Voices: Art Linking Asia and the West

Make your own Snakes and Ladders game to take home!

Curator’s Talk: Dr. Joby Patterson on Norma Bassett Hall



We are excited to welcome guest curator, Dr. Joby Patterson to the Beach Museum of Art for a lecture and book signing!  On November 1, 5:30-7:30pm, Joby Patterson will be lecturing on the current exhibition, “Chipping the Block, Painting the Silk:  The prints of Norma Bassett Hall”.  Patterson will share her adventures of uncovering Prairie Print Maker Norma Bassett Hall’s life and work.  




“Chipping the Block, Painting the Silk:  The Prints of Norma Bassett Hall” will remain on exhibit until December 15, 2018.