Kansas State University


Beach Blog

Works by pioneer printmaker inspired by travels to Europe, Kansas and other places on display now at the Beach Museum of Art

"Navajo Land"

“Chipping the Block, Painting the Silk: The Prints of Norma Bassett Hall” will run Aug. 7 through Dec. 15 in the Beach Museum of Art’s Wefald Gallery. Works displayed are from the first solo exhibition of Hall’s art since her death in 1957. Guest curator of the exhibition is Joby Patterson, an art historian based in Eugene, Oregon, and author of a book about the artist.

Hall was educated in early 20th-century America when the arts and crafts movement was all the rage. This training is revealed in her Japanese-influenced compositions and printing methods, according to Patterson, who also notes that Hall found inspiration in the diverse landscapes she encountered in her extensive travels.

"Village Fountain"

As guest curator of “Chipping the Block, Painting the Silk”, Patterson will share her decade of adventures researching Hall and organizing an exhibition about her work in a presentation from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 1, at the Beach Museum of Art. A book signing will follow.



Related Event:

“Japanese Woodblock Printing in the West,” from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6, at the Beach Museum of Art. The display is part of the Art in Motion festival, a free celebration of art for everyone.


The meadow and ArtSmart classes… in bloom!



The peak of the summer is here!  All is in bloom at the Museum… cone flowers and black-eyed susans, and colorful acrylic abstract landscapes from our youngest ArtSmart students grace the museum during this summer’s hottest days. Come stay cool inside and experience the Summer Idyll exhibit until August 4.

                                                     Part of our outreach includes art                                                          classes with Kindercare. July’s project…                                                                     abstract flowers!








Young Artists Celebration and Reception

Young Artist Celebration and Reception 7/14/18

View works created in the Young Artists Program. Refreshments will be served. Open to the public. 11:00 am- noon.  Exhibit now open for viewing until 7/14/18!

Young Artists is an annual summer program held at the Beach Museum of Art.  This summer the younger artists visited the galleries to learn about wet and dry media and then had the opportunity to experiment with a variety of professional art media.

Older artists explored the permanent collection and participated in one or more of four special workshops: Painting Landscapes, Pastel Still Life, Abstract Printmaking, and Drawing Portraits.