Kansas State University


Beach Blog

Tag: Exhibitions

45 Paleolithic Handaxes from Transfigurations: Reanimating the Past | David Lebrun

Ruth Ann Wefald Gallery: September 21, 2021 – July 16, 2022 

If you have not seen it yet, take time to visit this state-of-the-art video installation featuring ancient stone artifacts depicted through an innovative combination of highresolution photography, animation and a custom sound score. Artist David Lebrun has spent decades working with archaeologists and anthropologists to identify and photograph iconic, human-made objects from four regions: Mesoamerica, Europe, the Mediterranean and South Asia. This installation and another designed for the 2022-2023 season representing ancient Mesoamerica will provide a substantial introduction to the artist’s massive, long-term project, Transfigurations: Reanimating the Past. An Exploration Station designed by the artist and his team installed outside the exhibition provides visitors with an array of information about each of the forty-five stone tools featured in the current installation. Enjoy the aesthetic  beauty of the objects, learn more about them, and see the past differently! For more information about the Beach Museum of Art exhibitions, please visit  https://beach.k-state.edu/explore/exhibitions/.

University Honors Program Seminar

This fall Associate Curator of Education Kathrine Schlageck and Curator Liz
Seaton reprised their University Honors Program seminar, “Wading
Through a Complex Visual World.” The introductory course for freshman honors students uses the museum’s collections and its fall exhibitions to discuss art as a form of communication, a way to make connections between different subject areas, and a means of developing critical thinking and evidence-based reasoning skills. Students investigate diverse topics, including the science of art conservation and art as a form of social justice.

Sylvia Fritz, a student in last year’s course reflected: “Visual literacy helps to
train your mind to look at everything in a new light and in more detail, so
that you can appreciate your daily life from a new angle every day.” Student
Kelsey Wilson noted: “Since I am studying secondary education in biology, I will encounter many drawings depicting organ systems, ecosystems, etc. … Being visually literate [will help] me to take the time to examine the components of the images and comprehend [them] as a whole.

Associate Curator of Education Kathrine Schlageck engages with students in the museum.

Beach Museum of Art receives award funding to enhance, broaden access to the arts!

Art Bridges Foundation logoWe are pleased to announce that the museum has received a Bridge Ahead Initiative award from the Art Bridges Foundation to support the addition of a part-time teaching artist to assist with two new photography exhibitions at the museum.

Nate McClendon, a respected Manhattan teacher and musician, will lend his talents to the Beach Museum of Art’s “Gordon Parks: Homeward to the Prairie I Come” and “Doug Barrett: Find Your Voice” exhibitions. Both exhibitions are now open to the public through May 28, 2022. Online versions will be available soon.

The museum recently launched “Hear What I’m Seeing?” first Saturdays video series led by Nate McClendon. Enjoy the inaugural video of the series here. The videos are posted on the museum’s YouTube channel. Please don’t forget to subscribe to our channel!

Read more about the Bridge Ahead award here.

Publicity image for the exhibition "Gordon Parks: Homeward to the Prairie I Come"

Publicity image of the exhibition "Doug Barrett: Find Your Voice"