Kansas State University


Beach Blog

Tag: Kansas State University

You are invited!

Flyer promoting partyThe Beach is having a party, and you are invited! Take a break from the heat and head over for a cool afternoon of art and fun. Join us this Saturday, July 16th from 1-3 pm, for a Summer Beach Party. While here, take time to see the Young Artists’ Exhibition in the UMB Theater. This special event is free and open to the public. For more information about what is happening at the Beach Museum of Art this summer, please visit beach.k-state.edu

Spotlight on Educational Outreach

The Beach Museum of Art’s education department recently led one of their outreach programs, ARTFul Making, at the Riley County Seniors’ Service Center. Participants were encouraged to make a collage that represented their idea of a waterscape. The session was inspired by the exhibition Salt Air currently on view at the museum. Offered a variety of materials to use, guests created the beautiful and unique works featured below.
Collage of waterway framed by land and sky


Collage image of crane with tall cliffs

ARTFul Making is a monthly program offered at the senior center as well as Meadowlark and Via Christi. The session at the senior center is held on the third Tuesday of each month from 1:00-2:00p.m. The workshops are free to attend, and all materials are provided. Each month incorporates a different medium and a new source of inspiration. Community members seeking a creative, socially engaging afternoon are encouraged to attend. Sign-ups are appreciated but not required. For more information, please call the Riley County Seniors’ Service Center at (785) 537-4040 or email museum educator Kim Richards for more information kkrichards@ksu.edu.

To view the Salt Air exhibition, please visit the Beach Museum of Art’s Vanier gallery or Click here to view the virtual exhibition.

New publication on Gordon Parks announced

black and white photograph of doorway

The Beach Museum of Art is pleased to announce the launch of the exhibition catalog/ebook “Gordon Parks: Homeward to the Prairie I Come.” The New Prairie Press, Kansas State University’s open access digital press, recently published the exhibition catalog/ebook. It was edited by museum curator Aileen June Wang and features new scholarship about Gordon Parks and his activities in Kansas in the late part of his career. Compiled by members of the K-State Gordon Parks Project, the volume was a collaboration between the university’s department of English and the Beach Museum of Art. The project highlights a past gallery exhibition at the Beach and a current virtual exhibition of photographs gifted by Gordon Parks to K-State. The collection was organized by the Beach Museum of Art, and a digital archive was created by K-State English department with materials and oral histories related to Parks’s film “The Learning Tree.” The collaboration was made possible with major support from the National Endowment for the Humanities and additional support from the Gordon Parks Foundation. The exhibition catalog/ebook increases awareness and understanding of Gordon Parks’ artistic practice through photography, poetry, literature, and film. Renowned African American photography scholar and artist Deborah Willis writes that the book “adds wonderfully to [knowledge about] Gordon Parks’ life as it introduces new questions, specifically about sexual abuse in the Learning Tree and the ‘underdiscussed’ activities of Parks’ life.” She adds: “I believe it will have an impact on the genres of memoir, migration, biography, and film studies.”

View or download the e-book