


10/8/15 – Scott Stebner and Lauri Baker to present at the Interactive Marketing Research Summit: Title: Preferences of Metro and Non-Metro Garden Centers’ use of New Media Marketing. Location: Boston, MA


8/5/15 –  Cheryl Boyer to speak at the American Society of Horticultural Scientists: Title: Green Growth: An Exploratory Study of Metro and Non-metro Garden Centers’ Use of New Media Marketing. Location: New Orleans, LA

8/4/15 – Cheryl Boyer to speak at the American Society of Horticultural Scientists. Title: Like It, Pin It, Follow It: Opportunities and Challenges for Social Media Marketing in Garden Centers and Nurseries. Location: New Orleans, LA

6/9/15 – Scott Stebner to speak at the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture. Title: Give them what they want: Analyzing YouTube analytics to provide engaging and targeted contentLocation: Charleston, South Carolina

6/8/15 – Scott Stebner to speak at the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture. Title: Lost in Translation: Drawing upon research to create effective and powerful advocacy-related photographs and video. Location: Charleston, South Carolina

5/12/15 – Lauri M. Baker, Cheryl Boyer, & Hikaru Hanawa Peterson to offer live Webinar. Title: Supporting Rural Business Success Through New Media Marketing Research. Location: Adobe Connect Session

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