Kansas State University


Hale Library Blog

Author: Emma Faye McLaren

After the Fire: Where are they now?

After the Hale Library fire, more than 80 K-State Libraries faculty and staff members plus 37 Information Technology Services staff members and several dozen student employees were left without office space. After the first few days of assessing damage to the library, it became clear that Hale wouldn’t reopen for some time.   

Thanks to the generosity, assistance and compassion of our K-State community, we have been able to find temporary office locations across campus. We are so appreciative to the Alumni Center, Bluemont Hall, Business Building, Dykstra Hall, Seaton Hall, Unger Complex and Welcome/Career Center for their generosity in welcoming us into their spaces. 

Our employees may be spread across campus, but they are ready to provide their help and services to campus and community once again.

(Please note, these photos represent only about half of the K-State Libraries and IT Services employees. Dozens of library staff members have worked shifts in Hale Library helping to pack damaged books and remove them from the building. Some were in meetings when we visited, and still others refuse to let us get within 50 yards when we have a camera out.)

Academic services librarians for humanities, fine arts, social sciences, business, education and instructional design are located in 2001 Business Building.
The Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship and the STEM librarians are in 2123 Business Building (NSSI).
The K-State Libraries admin team, including Dean Lori Goetsch, are on the third floor of the Alumni Center.
Special collections staff members are located in 116 Bluemont, but special collections faculty members do not yet have a long-term location.
Communications and marketing, web services, and planning and assessment are in office spaces in the Berney Family Welcome Center.
Building services, represented here by Jesica Thornton, is working out of 217 Dykstra. (We will get your photo yet, Robin Brown!)
The Unger Complex is home to the largest number of Hale Library employees. More than 20 members of the acquisitions department, the metadata, preservation, and digital initiatives department and the content development department are all in 200 Unger Tower.
Half of the Libraries’ information technology services staff is located in 146 Unger.
Three additional information technology services employees can be found in Seaton Hall … or, more frequently, on the move, supporting their coworkers in all of the various office spaces across campus!
Library user services is located in 3002 Seaton.
Interlibrary services is operating out of the Library Annex near the Manhattan Regional Airport.
Most IT Services employees can be found in the Cat’s Pause Lounge in the K-State Union. Additional staff members have been relocated to 2116 Business Building and to Unger Complex.