Kansas State University



RiPS2014 Student Spotlight: Itzel Moreno-Rodriguez


What is your hometown? 
Garden City, KS

What is your current school?
Garden City Community College

What are your hobbies?
Singing, dancing, trying new things, helping others.

Are there any other fun facts you would like to share?
I love doing community service. I have three brothers, and I love to sing.
I was born in Walla Walla, WA.

How did you get interested in STEM?
My chemistry teacher, Mr. Vadapally introduced it to me and kept me informed about it. With time it kept my attention more and more.

Why did you want to do research?
I wanted to do research because of the way my teacher made it sound. I knew it was a great opportunity to be able to do research. Not many can say they have, and I am really happy to be a part of the research. I have learned so much and it is all hands on experience, which makes it even better!

Tell us about your research project.
My research project looked at how temperature effected pancreatic cell growth.

What advice would you give your past self regarding school? How about for other students interested in STEM?
To focus on the more important things and study hard. I regret not studying on my own for a class that would be important for my future. I would tell other students to take as many opportunities as possible. You can never stop learning different things and they may change your life. Accept what you receive and give back to those who helped you become who you are today.