Kansas State University


The Meadow

Meadow 2018 Growing Season Update

The 2016-2018 growing seasons of the Meadow have brought new and exciting yields:

  • a new batch of interpretive signs based upon 2016 monitoring in the Meadow, funded by an EPA grant and led by K-State’s Prof. Jessica Canfield.
  • dedicated volunteers (both long standing folks and fresh faces).
  • a renewed commitment to community-based processes and chemical free native plants landscapes.

These themes will be explored more fully in a series of blog posts in 2019. Please follow the blog for updates, and follow @themeadow_kstate on Instagram for even more updates!

Ongoing and Future Outreach and Interpretation –Interpretive Signs; Image by Katie Kingery-Page, Marcos Aleman, and Riccardo Prudenti


Seed scattering by volunteers Aileen and Erin.





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