Kansas State University


Beach Blog

Author: Kelsey Longpine

Water Stories by Lynn Benson Open

In 1969, the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio, burst into flames because sparks fell on oil-covered debris floating on its surface. News of the burning river captured artist Lynn Benson’s imagination and inspired her to study how human activity affects a vitally important resource: water. In a range of mediums, Benson represents bodies of water implicated in environmental and political struggles. The Beach Museum of Art and The Volland Store Gallery are collaborating to offer two exhibitions in the region featuring Benson’s work: the first opening in February at the Beach Museum of Art, the second going up in May, 2018 at The Volland Store Gallery.

The Beach Museum of Art exhibition unveils the acquisition of Benson’s Waterplaces, a suite of 101 drawings on vellum paper. The exhibition will also present the artist’s 2018 Friends of the Beach Museum of Art Gift Print, Dancing on the Table. This work reflects Benson’s interest in water sources that flow under the ground such as the Ogallala Aquifer in parts of Western Kansas and surrounding states. Benson brings attention to this hidden natural treasure in a chine collé lithograph with gold leaf and coloring applied by hand.

The new gift print will be available for purchase after February 13, 2018, with a 25% discount for Friends at the annual $100 level and above. For more information on supporting the museum as a Friend or purchasing a gift print contact Robin Lonborg at 785-532-7718 or rlonborg@k-state.edu

Related events:

At the Beach Museum of Art

Telling Water’s Story: Art, Science, and Narrative, featuring Cynthia Barnett, Peter Dorhout, and Lynn Benson
Thursday, March 8, 5:30 p.m.

Artist Talk by Lynn Benson
Thursday, April 5, 5:30 p.m.

Water Stories School Tour:
Students will investigate works from the Beach Museum of Art permanent collection related to water by various artists, including Lynn Benson, Herschel Logan, and photographer Jim Richardson. Students will think about Kansas water issues and the environment and learn more about Kansas waterways above and below ground. Discussions will address environmental science standard K-ESS3.

At The Volland Store Gallery, Alma, Kansas

Telling Water’s Story: Art, Science, and Narrative, featuring Cynthia Barnett and Jeff Davidson
Saturday, March 10, 2018, 1 p.m.

River Compositions by Lynn Benson
May 5-July 15, 2018

Curator’s talk by Aileen June Wang on the art of Lynn Benson
May 20, 2018, 2 p.m.


See other upcoming exhibitions and programs on our website beach.ksu.edu.

After the Burn: Artist talk by Erin Wiersma

Join us on February 8, at 5:30 as Erin Wiersma, Associate Professor in the Department of Art here at Kansas State University, gives a lecture about her work.
Wiersma is an artist who has consistently explored—and pushed—the boundaries of drawing as a fully realized artistic expression. Wiersma’s new and ongoing works draw from the Konza Prairie, becoming both the medium and subject matter. 
This talk is a Prairie Studies Initiative program.

Prairie Studies Initiative

Guest Blogger: Miki Loschky

The Forever Museum of Contemporary Art (FMOCA) is located in the heart of Kyoto, Japan’s historic entertainment district, the Gion. The museum is now showing “My Soul Forever,” through Feb. 25, featuring the work of pop artist Yayoi Kusama.  The museum’s name is closely linked to a main theme of Kusama’s work: infinity.  By the end of a visit to FMOCA, one may come to appreciate Kusama’s use of the repeated patterns of dots and nets to represent the world in terms of its limitlessness and timelessness.  Pictured below is a 1992 work by Kusama (Yellow Trees, acrylic on canvas) in which a seemingly infinite number of tree root-like figures are intertwined in a seemingly endless manner.

As you enter the museum site, a giant pumpkin with polka dots greets you (Pumpkin, 2007, mixed media). This 5-meter-tall 3-D art seems to clash with the traditional Japanese architecture behind it. The building that houses the museum was originally a performance theater for geiko (the better known word geisha is referred to as geiko in Kyoto), and was built in 1873.  Inside the museum, her colorful, surreal style may look out of place in the subtle tonality of a traditional tatami (straw mat flooring) room to many eyes.

Without a doubt, the highlight of exhibition is A Boat Carrying My Soul (1989, Mixed media), which sits on the former Miyako dance stage.  Kusama used a life-sized wooden boat filled with fabric covered objects resembling colorful fruits.  As the title suggests, she created the boat as if it were a vehicle to ride to the next world or into eternity -certainly a departure from the current world.  For a short video filmed by Les Loschky, please click here. https://youtu.be/i0aHZqulCWc

For those who wish to enjoy Kusama’s work both inside and out, the museum offers light meals and desserts in the cafeteria, where they serve Kusama-inspired sweets, including strawberry roll cakes with polka dots.

My whole experience at FMOCA has led me to realize that even traditional Japanese art forms (e.g., Miyako dance, the traditional performance art of Kyoto geisha) were part of pop culture at one time. Thus, the installation of Kusama’s work at the former Gion Kaburenjyo Theater makes perfect sense. Like the art of Miyako dance these artworks transport the viewer to another place and time.

The photos above are of the only things visitors are allowed to photograph in Kusama’s exhibit.  Here is the link to additional views from their website. http://www.fmoca.jp/

Reported by Miki Loschky, Beach Museum of Art