Presented in collaboration with the K-State Libraries, the Department of Physics, and the Department of Art in support of the “Museum of Wonder” exhibition, acclaimed science writer and TED speaker Margaret Wertheim visits the K-State Manhattan campus on September 12, 2013 at 7 p.m. in Justin Hall Room 109. Wertheim is the co-founder of The Institute for Figuring, a nonprofit dedicated to fostering public understanding of science and mathematics via creative engagement.

IFF’s most well-known initiative, the Crochet Coral Reef Project, is a public art collaboration described as “a woolly celebration of the intersection of higher geometry and feminine handicraft, and a testimony to the disappearing wonders of the marine world”, and has been widely displayed in galleries and museums.
Wertheim’s talk at K-State, “Making Space”, focuses on physical and virtual realms and how space has been perceived throughout history by Western mathemeticians, scientists, and artists. This is Wertheim’s first appearance at K-State and in the state of Kansas, and selected publications by Wertheim will be available for purchase and signing.
We hope you can join us for what should be a lively and stimulating discussion! [note: K-State Ready Player One gamers should pay close attention during the talk.]