Kansas State University


Beach Blog

Tag: 2015

GROW at the Beach Exposes Middle School Girls to STEAM Learning

Learning about the Fibonacci Sequence with Pyrhho Techniko
Learning about the Fibonacci Sequence with Pyrhho Techniko
Platonic solids and the Kansas Meatball - its an Icosahedron!
Platonic solids and the Kansas Meatball – its an Icosahedron!

Middle school girls from around the state of Kansas spent February 21st on the K-State campus as part of the GROW “Jammin’ with the Arts” workshop.  One of their stops was the Beach Museum of Art where they went on an Art, Math and Science Amazing Race.  Activities included learning about color and light waves, dot matrix printing and optics, thinking about the mathematical origins of the Kansas Meatball and Pyrro Techniko, and trying different media and thinking about the chemical compound used to bind pigments into useable paint or pastel.

Learning about light waves and color
Learning about light waves and color
Trying oil and chalk pastels.
Trying oil and chalk pastels.


Friends of the Beach Museum of Art Updates

The holidays are over, and we find ourselves in the season of self-examination. According to Statistic Brain, the top three New Year’s resolutions for 2014 were losing weight, getting organized, and spending less, followed by enjoying life to the fullest, staying fit and healthy, and learning something exciting. So how did everyone do? Are you making the same resolutions for 2015, or have you conquered weight loss and moved on to something else?

If you attended exhibitions and programs at the Beach Museum of Art last year, you certainly worked toward enjoying life to the fullest and learning something exciting. Think back: You gazed at photography and wood sculpture, you attended the Friends gala, you voted on a Friends acquisition, you admired the new John Steuart Curry painting, you saw a film, you watched a performance, you reaquainted yourself with the permanent collection, you attended an opening reception, you stretched your senses. What will this year bring? I hope as you plan your new year and re-establish your priorities that attending, appreciating, and advocating for activities at the Beach are near the top of your list.

As you’re revisiting your personal priorities, think about our Friends organization, too. At our first meeting back in August, I said we all should be thankful for this group’s wonderful heritage and growth and for the museum it helped build. The best way to honor everyone who worked to build this beautiful institution is to take steps to ensure that it not only survives, but thrives. The Friends thrive when we come to events, help raise funds, and recruit new Friends members. Thriving also requires asking difficult questions with complex answers: What does the Friends need to do to best support the museum? How do we compete or cooperate with other groups to identify those in the community who would like to contribute to the arts?How do we align ourselves with changes that have occurred on our campus and in our community in the last few years? What do we want our group and our institution to be in 5 years? In 10 years?

Kudos to all of you who are working to ask and answer these questions. Thank you for renewing your membership in the Friends of the Beach Museum of Art for another year and for giving your time and resources to support the arts. If you neglected to renew your membership before the holidays, you can still join for calendar year 2015. Put it at the top of your list of resolutions and call the museum to request a KSU Foundation contribution card.

Here’s to a fabulous 2015!

Sarah Hancock, President

[1] www.statisticbrain.com/new-years-resolution-statistics

Nothing Says Love Better than Homemade



Years ago, when I was a child, my mother would sit my brothers, sister and me down on the kitchen floor to make Valentines for our grandparents.  In those days a doily and a few heart stickers and a ribbon were all we had.  Thanks to the scrap booking craze and the kind donation of flowers, ribbons, jewels, and glitter from Mary Cottom, the Beach Museum of Art’s Annual Valentine’s workshop was truly an extravaganza of lace and hearts.

There  are still a few days left for you to try this at home.  We hope you’ll join us on the first Sunday in December 2015 for our Holiday Workshop and on the first Sunday in February 2016 for more romantic bling.
