Artist Dean Mitchell currently has work featured in the exhibition, ” Dean Mitchell: A Place, A Mental Space” and is currently the 2015 Friends of the Beach Museum of Art Gift Print Artist. Mitchell visit the museum the week of April 20th for two special events. On Monday Mitchell gave a private lecture to the museum’s Board of Visitors about his work and his life’s motivation. Thursday, April Mitchell gave a public lecture in the UMB Theater at the Beach Museum about his work and process and inspiration for his work.

The exhibition, “Dean Mitchell: A Place, A Mental Space” will be on display through June 21, 2015 in the Wefald Gallery. Mitchell’s etching “Break Time,” the 2015 Friends of the Beach Museum of Art Gift Print is now available for purchase for Friends of the Beach Museum of Art members at the Sponsor level and above. Contact Robin Lonborg at 785.532.7718 or for more information.

The 2015 Friends of the Beach Museum of Art Gift Print