Kansas State University


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Tag: Kansas State University

Family Valentines Workshop

Drawing of woman holding valentine

Saturday, February 5, 2022
11:00-12:30pm & 1:30-3:00pm
Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art

Join the Beach Museum of Art’s education staff for a hands-on Family Valentines Workshop! Find all the supplies you need to create the perfect Valentines for friends and loved ones. Registration is required, and the project fee is $5, $2.50 for military families (cash or check accepted). Two sessions will be offered, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1:30-3 p.m., to encourage social distancing. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

This event is part of the Beach Museum of Art’s annual program series, Art in Motion: a tribute to Marianna’s love for lifelong learning! Marianna Kistler Beach believed in the value of art and the importance of cross-cultural understanding. The museum offers the Art in Motion programs in celebration of her work and leadership.

Image: Charles Leroy Marshall Sr., Woman Holding Valentine, 1964, watercolor with graphite on paper, 17 7/8 x 11 11/16 in., gift of Charles L. Marshall, Sr., presented by Maybelle M. Scheetz, 2005.146

Spotlight on Gordon Parks and his film “Martin”


Magazine cover with photo of Martin Luther King, Jr.

To remember the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. perhaps you would like to view the #ballet Martin, written, produced and scored by Gordon Parks to honor King, Jr. The prologue linked here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AayQu5kkSPc, includes photographs by Gordon Parks and features Parks introducing the ballet. There are 27 #photographs within the prologue that are in our #collection, 18 of them are currently on view and two images were taken in the Manhattan, Kansas area. We invite you to visit the Beach Museum of Art and see if you recognize any of the photographs from the #prologue on display in the current exhibition “Gordon Parks: “Homeward to the Prairie I Come.” in the gallery through May 28 and offered virtually at beach.k-state.edu/explore.

Join museum curator Aileen June Wang for a virtual discussion of the dance film Martin during the upcoming Let’s Talk Art livestream conversation with Theresa Ruth Howard, ballet dancer and founder-curator of MoBBallet.org (Memoirs of Blacks in Ballet). Thursday, January 27, 2022, 5:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada). Closed captioning available.

Register for the free program at https://ksu.zoom.us/…/register/WN_JF9HYpGYQri6_x3KGWwdrA

Kim Richards
Education Assistant
Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art

Image: “Life Magazine (Week of Shock, Martin Luther King 1929-1968) April 12, 1968,” Life Magazine (United States), photomechanical lithograph on paper, CM235.201


Here, and Now. Opening Reception 3/15/18

Join us at 6:00 pm on Thursday, March 15 for the opening reception of Here, and Now. Kansas State University Department of Art Faculty Exhibition at the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art.

The works in this exhibition represent the studio practices of fifteen members of the Kansas State University Department of Art. These works, made within the last two years and varying in concept and construction, feature the disciplines of ceramics, drawing, fibers, graphic design, painting, photography, sculpture, and new media. The artists are a diverse group from across the nation and around the world, who now call Manhattan, Kansas, home. Chad Alligood, chief curator of American art at the Huntington Library and formerly curator of the critically acclaimed Crystal Bridges “State of the Art” exhibition, will make remarks in the gallery during the exhibition opening reception.

The galleries will be open and refreshments will be served; cash bar available.