Saxophone Expressions: An Exploration of Musical Turmoil
Thursday, April 14, 5:30 p.m., Pelton Gallery
This highly eclectic saxophone concert will feature Dr. Anna Marie Wytko, Associate Professor of Saxophone at Kansas State University, as well as KSU graduate and undergraduate saxophone students John Ashburn, Adam Lechner, Michael Meier, and Jacob Wright in performances by Japanese, Polish, American, and French composers from the WWII Era.
Part of the programming for “Behind the Glass Eye: Photographs by Toyo Miyatake” and “Minidoka on My Mind: Paintings and Prints by Roger Shimomura.”
At the conclusion of Saxophone Expressions: An Exploration of Musical Turmoil head up to the Union Little theater for a lecture by K-State Department of English’s Visiting Writer and Speaker, Julian Hoffman.
K-State Department of English Visiting Writer and Speaker Julian Hoffman
Thursday, April 14, 2016, 7:00 p.m., in the Union, Little Theatre
Julian Hoffman lives beside the Prespa Lakes in northern Greece. His book, The Small Heart of Things: Being at Home in a Beckoning World, was chosen by Terry Tempest Williams as the winner of the 2012 AWP Award Series for Nonfiction. In 2014, it won a National Outdoor Book Award for Natural History Literature. This program is co-sponsored by the Prairie Studies Initiative.