“Where the Heart Belongs”, a sculpture by Joan Backes, is on view until September 7, 2014 in the Stolzer Family gallery. Beach Senior Educator Kathrine Schlageck contributes this post about how visitors have quickly taken to the work.
Joan Backes’ new sculptural installation has only been up for one week but visitors have already responded with affection.

On October 17 the sculpture served as a backdrop for photographs of military families that will be sent to deployed soldiers in hand-decorated frames. The workshop for military spouses and children was co-sponsored by the Institute for the Health and Welfare of Military Families at Kansas State University and the Parent-to-Parent Program at Fort Riley. The idea of “home is where the heart is” brought tears to the eyes of several of the wives.

On Friday, area children enjoying a day off from school got to meet and talk to artist Joan Backes and create their own “Home, Sweet Homes” from a variety of materials. Hard on their heels, Philosophy 130 students from K-State generated a multiplicity of ideas as they viewed the sculpture through the season’s first snow. The idea of shelter came quickly to mind, followed by diversity of time or economic status associated with the media.