What: Volunteer Meadow Work Day
When: Saturday, June 20 10 am-1 pm
Where: The Meadow, north of the Beach Museum of Art
What to Bring: Rake, hat, sturdy footwear and clothing, and gardening shears

Image Credit Aileen June Wang
Guess what happened two and a half years ago. We first seeded the Meadow, and now we have a thriving landscape of native plants in a highly visible spot on campus.
Those plants need some assistance as we prepare for the third season of growth. So on Saturday, Nov. 7, from 10-1 p.m. we hope to remove excess vegetation so the plants have room this spring.
Those who have rakes, please bring them! And you may want your hat, work shows and work clothes. We’ll do some wildflower ID-ing and learn about our native grasses as well as take some time out for some apple cider and goodies.
See the new, very informative and easy-to-read Meadow blog post (Q&A format) https://blogs.k-state.edu/meadow/