The mission of the Staley School Ambassadors is to recruit students to the Staley School of Leadership Studies, promote the mission and goals of the Staley School, and educate campus and community members about leadership.
The group is comprised of around 30 students enrolled in the leadership studies minor and promotes the school to current and prospective students at events such as K-State Celebrates, Junior & Senior Days, and the Academic Majors and Minors Fair. Staley School Ambassadors help faculty and staff share the benefits of leadership studies with the community. In addition to discussing how leadership studies can benefit students, the Staley School Ambassadors publicize upcoming programs and host special events. The Staley School Ambassadors also provide continual feedback to faculty and staff and represent student interests and concerns, and this function has been served by the Ambassadors since 1999, making it one of the oldest student organizations at the Staley School.
Here are a few throwback photos of the Ambassadors at work and play:
The Staley School Ambassadors represent the core of who we are as a School, by serving as the arms and feet of our outreach efforts to current and prospective students. Affectionately called the “Bassies,” this organization constantly strives to live out their mission and support the development of knowledgeable, ethical, caring, and inclusive leaders for a diverse and changing world.
In years past, they have taken part in everything from special events and tours at the Leadership Studies Building, to outreach and education events across the state of Kansas, Homecoming festivities, K-State Open House, Relay for Life, and even organized their own service events to benefit the Manhattan community and their fellow K-State students. Last year, they recognized an opportunity to bring students together from across campus in a shared service experience, called Big Help in the Little Apple, where hundreds of volunteers worked with Manhattan Parks and Recreation to clean up public parks and common areas.
In the letter below, former Ambassadors’ President, Katie Gehrt, discusses the organization and its impact on the Staley School and the personal leadership learning of each Ambassador:

“The Staley School Ambassadors are comprised of over 35 students from all majors, backgrounds, and perspectives. Ambassadors serve the unique role of representing the Staley School in a variety of ways, whether through educational events in the community, campus-wide service events, or building connections with prospective students in order to grow the program. Like other student organizations and programs offered at the Staley School, the Ambassadors are a student-led group, meaning each member either serves on one of three committees, holds a chair position, or serves on the Executive team.
Although the three committees within Ambassadors focus on different aspects of the organization (Internal Operations, Education, and Outreach and Development), the overall role the organization plays is supporting students in the minor and promoting the Staley School. In order to better serve students in the program, the Ambassador team created the Program Opportunity Fund (POF). This scholarship, funded by generous donations and fundraising, is money awarded to students traveling as a part of the Alternative Break and International Service Teams. Students submit applications for the funds to Ambassadors, who review and award money in order to make it possible for students to have transformational service-learning experiences either domestically or internationally.
Serving as an Ambassador for the past four years has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have had as a student at K-State. It’s very rare to be in a room with people who see the world in such a similar way, yet consistently challenge you to think about the world differently. Being an Ambassador provided me the opportunity to actively practice the course concepts I was learning throughout the minor and build lifelong connections with other students. When I came to K-State, I thought I would have to wait until my junior or senior year to serve in any kind of leadership role, yet Ambassadors is an organization that mobilizes students of all ages to be agents of change within the Staley School, on campus, and in the community. Having the opportunity to be a part of the Staley School Ambassadors provided me invaluable learning experiences that will continue to shape the work I do in the future and the way that I work with others.” -Katie Gehrt
Supporting the Staley School Ambassadors
By supporting the Staley School’s 20th Anniversary Fund, you can help programs like the Ambassadors continue to serve the Staley School and our community! We hope you’ll connect with these outstanding students at our 20th Anniversary Celebration and Reunion Weekend, November 10-12!