Kansas State University


The Loop

Category: HandsOn Kansas State

Nominate students, community members to recognize their service

The Staley School of Leadership invites all members of the K-State and Manhattan communities to submit nominations for the Celebrating People in Action: Community Service Awards. These awards recognize individuals and organizations for their commitment to service within the K-State and Manhattan community. In addition to the award, recipients will receive a $250 check to donate to a nonprofit organization of their choice.  

Submit your nominations by 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 26.  

Criteria considered for the volunteer or service work include: Meeting community needs, demonstrating specific impact, work that has the capacity to be sustained, and reflects an innovative or unique approach. Engagement with HandsOn K-State service events will also be considered. 

Following are the four awards and their descriptions:  Continue reading “Nominate students, community members to recognize their service”

International Education Week and HandsOn Kansas State

HandsOn Kansas State is encouraging all Wildcats to participate in International Education Week, hosted by the K-State Office of International Programs (OIP).

With a wide range of activities offered through the week, there will be plenty of chances to engage with these diverse cultural offerings to benefit our community. The flyer below can be downloaded to print and share to help spread the word.

More details about events can be found on the OIP website.