K-State’s Strengths, a campus-wide initiative aimed at increasing student’s engagement and well-being, is working with partners at Gallup to develop a new platform so K-State students can identify their Top Five Strengths through a single sign-on option.
This transition will take effect prior to the start of the fall 2021 semester. Students new to K-State will still be able to complete the CliftonStrengths for Students Assessment prior to the start of fall classes. More information, including Strengths education and training workshops, will be provided to faculty and staff once the new process is finalized.
All incoming students will still receive a FREE strengths access code to identify their Top Five Strengths. The K-State Strengths team and student peer coaches will provide the same quality of support and education to help students move from Strengths identification to Strengths development. We are looking forward to connecting with students as they name, claim and aim their Top Five Strengths toward personal and academic success.
The K-State Strengths team is excited about this new platform which will allow K-State students to have immediate access to the CliftonStrengths for Students Assessment to identify their Top Five Strengths. If you or your team have any questions regarding the transition from individual Strengths access codes in KSIS to a single sign-on option, please email Mike Finnegan at mikefinn@ksu.edu.
Here, we understand every student has a unique set of strengths — some known and others you have yet to discover. To ensure that all students have access to high quality advising, each state … evaluation and critique emphasizing strengths and weaknesses of leadership .