The Staley School of Leadership Studies is excited to share a new single sign on (SSO) platform in partnership with our friends at Gallup – which means students can use their Kansas State University login credentials to access their Strengths content.
All students new to K-State can go to to complete the strengths assessment. Upon completion of the strengths assessment, students will have access to the digital version of the book, “CliftonStrengths for Students.”
Current students who have previously completed the strengths assessment can log into the SSO and see their top five signature themes. Faculty and staff who have already completed the assessment can copy their previous results and upload their top five signature themes into the platform with their strengths username and password.
This new platform provides K-State students with a one stop shop to access their top five strengths, engage with a new on-demand learning module, create team strengths grids, and connect to additional resources aimed at increasing student engagement and well-being. Utilizing this new SSO eliminates the need for individual student access codes.
Faculty and staff interested in utilizing strengths and integrating a strengths-based approach to teaching and learning can contact for additional resources and support. K-State’s Strengths initiative provides strengths workshops, trainings, and peer coaching sessions to help students develop their top five strengths.
K-State has been recognized by Gallup with the Don Clifton Strengths for Students Award. Universities that receive this award are exceptional in helping students utilize their strengths to achieve success in the classroom and beyond. Thanks to K-State alumnus, Rich Mistler, and the Mistler Family Foundation, K-State students can develop their top five strengths to reach their full potential and thrive.
To schedule a K-State Strengths workshop for your class or student organization, contact
Additional resources can be found on the K-State Strengths website.