Kansas State University


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Gott selected to serve on international leadership committee

Trisha Gott, Ed.D., has been selected to serve as a member of the inaugural International Leadership Association Committee on the Advancement of Leadership Programs (CALP). Gott is an assistant professor and associate director of the Staley School of Leadership and a member of the Leadership Communication doctoral program faculty. The charge of CALP is to develop rigorous and relevant guiding standards for leadership programs and to create a process for assessment and evaluation of established leadership programs. This appointment is a three-year term.

Photo of trish gottThe International Leadership Association (ILA) is the largest worldwide community committed to leadership scholarship, development, and practice. Their programs and projects bring together members and partners to collectively impact the teaching, study, and practice of leadership and change.

“I am excited to be joining this group. Together we will work to continue to advance the field of leadership education and development and to understand more about how leadership learning takes place,” said Gott.

“Dr. Gott brings a wealth of experience as an administrator and educator to this work. Her body of scholarship demonstrates a commitment to approaches to program development that advances innovation amidst complexity and competing values within the field of leadership studies,” said Kerry Priest, Ph.D., director of the Leadership Communication doctoral program.

About Staley School of Leadership

Developing knowledgeable, ethical, caring, inclusive leaders for a diverse and changing world