Kansas State University


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K-Staters invited to attend Mandela Washington Fellowship graduation ceremony

The Staley School of Leadership invites the campus community to celebrate the 2022 class of Mandela Washington fellows at Kansas State University at a graduation ceremony at 4 p.m. Friday, July 15. The ceremony will take place at the Leadership Studies building and will include a reception and brief graduation program. We hope you will join us for this special event. Please RSVP by Tuesday, July 12.

The Mandela Washington Fellowship is the flagship program of the Young African Leaders Initiative, or YALI. Twenty-four Mandela Washington Fellows have joined us this summer to participate in the Leadership in Civic Engagement Institute hosted by the Staley School of Leadership at K-State. Working closely with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational Affairs and its implementing partner, IREX, the Staley School of Leadership facilitated a six-week program that brought the fellows to Topeka, Kansas City, and Omaha to learn about leadership in civic engagement across the state and share their experiences with Kansans.

During their stay in Kansas, the Mandela Washington Fellows have worked with K-State faculty and staff, elected and governmental officials, private businesses, a peer network and each other to challenge their understandings and practices of leadership. They have volunteered with Harvesters — The Community Food Network, the Special Olympics and the K-State Mobile Vet Clinic. They have visited with state and local elected officials, toured civic and nonprofit organizations such as Rose Brooks Center, Cultivate KC and the Brown v. Board of Education National Park. The Fellows have met with K-State students, faculty and staff, and spent time learning about leadership in Kansas through the Kansas Leadership Center. In mid-July Mandela Washington Fellows will return home to make great impacts in their communities.

The Mandela Washington Fellowship is a program of the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by IREX.  For more information about the Mandela Washington Fellowship, visit mandelawashingtonfellowship.org and join the conversation at #YALI2022. 

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About Staley School of Leadership

Developing knowledgeable, ethical, caring, inclusive leaders for a diverse and changing world
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