Kansas State University


The Loop

Author: Staley School of Leadership

Developing knowledgeable, ethical, caring, inclusive leaders for a diverse and changing world

Shams awarded for dissertation by International Leadership Association

The Staley School of Leadership celebrates Keyhan Shams, Ph.D., research assistant professor and assistant director of Third Floor Research, for his recent award from the International Leadership Association (ILA).

The Fredric M. Jablin Doctoral Dissertation Award is presented to one scholar annually  “whose doctoral dissertation research, while on any topic and from any discipline, demonstrates substantial insights and implications for the study of leadership.”

Shams’ dissertation, Bridging the Gap between Learning and Practicing Leadership: Developing New Instruments to Evaluate Leadership and Adaptation, explores how adaptive leadership ties into effective reasoning, focusing on self-awareness, role clarity, and managing conflict.

He presents new tools to measure these skills and examines the decision-making process, which he found to be emotionally and mentally challenging for leaders. His recommendations aim to help educators, researchers, and coaches support leaders in navigating these challenges, making leadership development more impactful and manageable.

“What makes me so happy about this award is that it recognizes a three-year, collaborative, and engaged effort with leadership researchers, educators, and practitioners,” said Shams. “I’m proud that the Staley School of Leadership and the Kansas Leadership Center jointly created a space where this collaboration could thrive.”

Read more about Shams’ work and ILA awards at ilaglobalconference.org/award-winners. Additionally, the latest report from Third Floor Research incorporates part of Shams’ dissertation and is available for free download from the Kansas Leadership Center website.

Keyhan Shams

Keyhan Shams, Ph.D., is a research assistant professor at the Staley School of Leadership and assistant director of Third Floor Research, a research partnership with the Kansas Leadership Center.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in urban planning and design from the University of Tehran and a master’s degree in urban and regional planning from Iran’s Shahid Beheshti University. Recently, he earned his Ph.D. in leadership communication from Kansas State University.

Staley School Ambassador applications due Nov. 11

Posed group of Student Ambassadors on a stairwell in the leadership studies buildingThe Kansas State University Staley School of Leadership is seeking students for the next group of Staley School Ambassadors. Applications are due by Monday, Nov. 11.

Student ambassadors are passionate about the Staley School, and help with recruitment through each of their own peer groups, professional organizations, and networks. They are champions for leadership development, often working with campus and community partners to facilitate leadership workshops. (Check out this recounting of a leadership workshop the Ambassadors hosted for Manhattan’s JAG-K!)

Personal and professional skills development is a priority for Staley School Ambassadors, with committees bringing in guest speakers, workshops, and many applied learning opportunities at the School and University-wide.

The Staley School Ambassadors also develop valuable relationships with one another, helping them build a network of friendships across campus due to the interdisciplinary nature of leadership studies.

“Joining the Ambassadors, at any time during a student’s K-State experience, provides an anchor and a place to practice self-improvement,” said Kim Ralston, co-advisor of the Staley School Ambassadors.

“Students can find a wide variety of opportunities to grow and they also have a lot of fun and create lasting memories and friendships.”

Eligible undergraduate students must be enrolled in the leadership studies certificate/minor, the nonprofit leadership certificate or the global food systems leadership secondary major. A weekly meeting takes place 8-9 p.m. Monday, with exceptions for holidays or other University/academic events.

Applications are due by Monday, Nov. 11. Applicants will be required to attend an informational meet-and-greet meeting 8-9 p.m. Monday, Nov. 18. More details are included in the application.

For questions or to nominate a student, contact Staley School Ambassadors co-advisor, Kim Ralston at kimralston@ksu.edu.

The Staley School of Leadership at Kansas State University includes undergraduate and graduate leadership studies academic programs, leadership and service co-curricular programs, the University Honors Program, and Scholar Development and Undergraduate Research. The Staley School equips learners with leadership skills and academic excellence through applied learning experiences, in-class learning, and community partnerships around the world. To learn more, visit www.k-state.edu/leadership

Third Floor Research Sheds Light on the Need for Leadership Development in the High-Tech Industry

What about the problems that can’t be solved with our technical expertise? What about the problems that do not follow “If A then B logic? Workplace challenges like team conflict, burnout, or lack of communication aren’t like a computer crash that can be handed off to an expert to fix.

This article is the fourth entry of a blog series showcasing Third Floor Research’s findings. In this entry, we present the results of a study which highlights the specific needs of high-tech companies in their work environments that can be addressed through the application of leadership skills.

The graphic cover for the Third Floor Research Report, Leadership Development for Global Organizations in the High-tech industry. Over 2019-2020, Third Floor Research conducted a study on a five-week leadership development program at the Kansas Leadership Center, involving approximately 230 employees from a high-tech company across five global sites. Phase 1 of the study, utilizing a survey-based qualitative approach, explored the challenges faced by organizations and their teams in the workplace, as well as the ways peers, employees, and superiors should address these challenges. Researchers Tim Steffensmeier and Tamas Kowalik from Kansas State University, along with Tim O’Brien from Harvard University, point our attention to these challenges in their published report Leadership Development for Global Organizations in the High-tech Industry. The findings revealed a significant need for companies and corporations to saturate their workplace with leadership concepts and skills.

The study identifies eight pressing challenges reported by high-tech industry participants in their companies: Continue reading “Third Floor Research Sheds Light on the Need for Leadership Development in the High-Tech Industry”

Join more than 1,000 Wildcats who loved ‘Cats Connect

Looking for a way to meet new people and connect with others? Sign up for a ‘Cats Connect group beginning the week of Oct 21.

Are you looking for a way to meet and connect with other K-Staters? Do you want to help build our K-State community? If so, sign up for ’Cats Connect – a program at Kansas State University designed to build community through conversation.

As a Health-Promoting University, Kansas State University is dedicated to supporting the holistic health and well-being of each student, faculty, and staff member. One aspect of well-being includes social health, which is the ability to form meaningful relationships that provide support, guidance and encouragement.

Over the past two years, ‘Cats Connect has worked to improve mental health and social well-being by connecting more than 1,000 K-Staters! Building relationships within ‘Cats Connect can help protect against stress, anxiety and depression. Positive relationships also increase student satisfaction and retention, as well as faculty/staff engagement.

Graphic image with pictures of groups of people from 'Cats Connect sessions

‘Cats Connect is a peer-to-peer facilitated program designed to help groups of 4-6 Wildcats meet and develop friendships outside of their regular social circles. Groups meet for one hour for five consecutive weeks. During each meeting, everyone will have the opportunity to respond to a series of fun and thought-provoking questions and engage in a small connection project.

Students, faculty, and staff are all invited to participate. Groups will be built based on shared experiences and availability. Participants can select in-person (on the Manhattan campus) or virtual meetings (via Zoom). There are two fall 2024 sessions to choose from:

  • Session 2 will meet weekly beginning the week of Oct. 21, through the week of Nov. 18.

Registration for Session 2 is due by Tuesday, Oct. 15. Continue reading “Join more than 1,000 Wildcats who loved ‘Cats Connect”