Kansas State University


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Category: Experience Matters

K-State students present posters to Kansas Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol  

Five undergraduate students from Kansas State University presented their research at Kansas Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol on Friday, March 1.  

K-State’s Scholar Development and Undergraduate Research (SDUR) commends these students for their efforts, learning outcomes and exemplary representation of K-State. Gratitude is also due to the faculty mentors and research programs who helped create these transformative student experiences. 

Student presenters, photographed left to right are:  

  • Helen Winters, sophomore, “Form and Function of Dominant Prairie Grass Across Climate Gradients: Identifying Climate-adapted Populations for Restoration and Conservation,” mentored by Dr. Loretta Johnson 
  • Kalea Nippert, senior, Is extreme fire the key to reversing grassland loss due to woody encroachment? A test in the tallgrass prairie,” mentored by Zak Ratajczak 
  • Ellienne Warnes, senior, “Exercise Improves Cognitive Performance and Increases Hippocampal Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Expression in Female Autism Spectrum Disorder Modeled Rats,” mentored by Bethany Plakke 
  • Cassidy Hartig, senior, “The Middle of Everywhere: One Kansas Effigy’s Storied Past and Present,” mentored by Dr. Lisa Tatonetti 
  • Grace Schieferecke, junior, “Molecular Analysis of Benzimidazole Resistance in Hookworms in Kansas Dogs,” mentored by Dr. Jeba Jesudoss Chelladurai 

students stand with their posters

Students were selected through a formal application process and reviewed by a committee. Upon selection, students attended a training session, created their research posters and invited their state representatives to attend the event.  

This poster session featured presenters from each of the Kansas Board of Regents institutions (KBOR). Throughout the presentation, the students interacted with a diverse group of attendees: peers, state representatives and their staff, administrators from KBOR institutions, and the public.  

Students, faculty, and staff are invited to further celebrate the efforts of undergraduate researchers from all corners of campus at the upcoming Undergraduate Research Symposium, on Thursday, April 11, from 4-6 p.m. in the Student Union Grand Ballroom. (link) 

Scholar Development and Undergraduate Research is housed within the Staley School of Leadership. The Staley School also includes undergraduate and graduate leadership studies academic programs, leadership and service co-curricular programs, and the University Honors Program. The Staley School equips learners with leadership skills and academic excellence through applied learning experiences, in-class learning, and community partnerships around the world. To learn more, visit www.k-state.edu/leadership. ­­ 

Staley School seeks students to participate in leadership challenge event

Imagine your community is the midst of a crisis: a massive electrical outage, a hazardous spill, or the collapse of a major communications system across a town.

Now, imagine you are one of about four to six individuals in a position of leadership in that community that is called into action to work through the logistics and processes needed to persevere. And you’ll be judged on how your team works together to formulate the action plan.

The Washburn University Leadership Challenge Event (LCE) is a two-day crisis management simulation and an opportunity for applied learning. It provides students with intellectual and practical leadership development in a unique forum and the opportunity to network with peers from across the country.

The Staley School of Leadership is looking for undergraduate or masters-seeking students to participate in the 2024 event, which will take place Feb. 29-March 1, 2024. Students will represent Kansas State University in the two-day event at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. Travel, meals, and accommodations are included, and the team will travel with Emmanuel Jeje, team advisor and graduate research assistant for the Kansas State University Office of Engagement.

Students interested in participating on the K-State team at the 2024 Washburn Leadership Challenge Event should email Emmanuel Jeje at eajeje@ksu.edu by Dec. 8, 2023.

K-State’s 2023 Washburn LCE team. Pictured: Back row from left: Emmanuel Jeje, Christopher Randol, Karlyn Gustin, Austin Drake. Front row from left: Jess Ramirez, Anna Coke

Last year, the Staley School took a team of five. View a story map of the event here. Continue reading “Staley School seeks students to participate in leadership challenge event”