Kansas State University


The Loop

Category: Faculty and Staff

Grow your network, support your well-being with ‘Cats Connect

A woman smiles as she talks about her answers to 'Cats Connect questions with her groupAre you looking for a way to meet and connect with other K-Staters? Do you want to help build our K-State community? If so, sign up for ’Cats Connect – a new program at Kansas State University designed to build community through conversation.

‘Cats Connect is a peer-to-peer facilitated program designed to help groups of 4-6 Wildcats meet and develop friendships outside of their regular social circles. Groups meet for one hour for five consecutive weeks. During each meeting, everyone will have the opportunity to respond to a series of fun and thought-provoking questions and engage in a small connection project.

Students, faculty, and staff are all invited to participate. Groups will be built based on shared experiences and availability. Participants can select in-person (on the Manhattan campus) or virtual meetings (via Zoom).

The spring 2024 second session will meet weekly beginning the week of March 25 through the week of April 29.

Register for ‘Cats Connect session 2 by Tuesday, March 19. Continue reading “Grow your network, support your well-being with ‘Cats Connect”

Congratulations to the fall cohort of the 2023 City of Manhattan Leadership Academy

The Staley School of Leadership recently wrapped up the 2023 City of Manhattan Leadership Academy. This three-month intensive experience brings together employees from across various City departments to sharpen their leadership skills, expand their understanding of leadership, and forge connections across City departments.

Facilitated by faculty from the Staley School, this work empowers employees to better exercise leadership from wherever they are in the organization. Over the course of six sessions, participants engaged in leadership development activities and conversations. Topics covered included leadership theory, utilizing your strengths, adaptive leadership, leadership coaching, and ethical dimensions of leadership.

“It has been an honor to connect leadership learning and scholarship to our local Manhattan community through the City of Manhattan Leadership Academy,” said Chance Lee, director of the nonprofit leadership program at Kansas State University. “Through this partnership, the models and ideas we teach in the classroom are applied in real-world scenarios through all of the great work of the participants.”

Faculty who facilitated sessions include: Innocent Assoman, graduate teaching assistant; Tamara Bauer, instructor and program director; Mike Finnegan, Ph.D., assistant professor and director of K-State Strengths; Chance Lee, Ph.D., CNP, assistant professor and director of nonprofit leadership; Mary Kay Siefers, Ph.D., teaching professor and director of global food systems leadership; and Murry Streetman, D.E.L., assistant professor. Learn more about these members of the Staley School faculty on our website.

Continue reading “Congratulations to the fall cohort of the 2023 City of Manhattan Leadership Academy”

CliftonStrengths access migration completed

CliftonStrengths for students has successfully migrated platforms to Gallup Access. Kansas State University users will now visit https://ksu.my.gallup.com/ and login with a Single Sign On (SSO) to access their CliftonStrengths report.

For details on how to navigate this new platform, watch this short video until the 5:20 timestamp. This video will explain how to further explore your own top five Strengths, find resources, reports, and build Strengths-based online communities.

The K-State Strengths team recommends identifying a Strengths champion within your own department, unit, or work team. Strengths champions will receive access to build detailed reports for their units/teams. To request access, please email strengths@ksu.edu. Continue reading “CliftonStrengths access migration completed”

Updates to K-State’s CliftonStrengths access

The K-State Strengths team announces a change in utilizing the CliftonStrengths online platform.

CliftonStrengths for Students will be changing to the Gallup Access platform. This migration will take place during finals week. Starting Monday, Dec. 11, the K-State campus community will not be able to access their top five strengths through the single sign-on portal at ksu.gallup.com.

The K-State Strengths team will share the new URL after the migration has been completed so students, faculty, and staff can view their top five strengths. Utilizing this new platform provides additional opportunities for K-Staters via online resources and functionality to further develop your top five strengths and thrive.

Existing users will have access to their top five strengths prior to the start of the spring semester. The K-State Strengths team will keep the K-State community informed on the process of code distribution after the transition to the Gallup Access platform, so students can continue to identify and develop their top five strengths.

If you are teaching a winter intersession course and plan to use CliftonStrengths in your course, please contact strengths@ksu.edu to ensure students will have access to take their top five strengths assessment over winter break.

Strengths is aimed at increasing student engagement and well-being across campus so students can thrive. More than 2,500 students, faculty and staff have identified their top five strengths since the start of the 2023 fall semester. K-State Strengths will continue to provide strengths training, workshops, and peer coaching sessions to help students align their strengths with their personal and academic goals. For questions, email strengths@ksu.edu.

Staley School seeks students to participate in leadership challenge event

Imagine your community is the midst of a crisis: a massive electrical outage, a hazardous spill, or the collapse of a major communications system across a town.

Now, imagine you are one of about four to six individuals in a position of leadership in that community that is called into action to work through the logistics and processes needed to persevere. And you’ll be judged on how your team works together to formulate the action plan.

The Washburn University Leadership Challenge Event (LCE) is a two-day crisis management simulation and an opportunity for applied learning. It provides students with intellectual and practical leadership development in a unique forum and the opportunity to network with peers from across the country.

The Staley School of Leadership is looking for undergraduate or masters-seeking students to participate in the 2024 event, which will take place Feb. 29-March 1, 2024. Students will represent Kansas State University in the two-day event at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. Travel, meals, and accommodations are included, and the team will travel with Emmanuel Jeje, team advisor and graduate research assistant for the Kansas State University Office of Engagement.

Students interested in participating on the K-State team at the 2024 Washburn Leadership Challenge Event should email Emmanuel Jeje at eajeje@ksu.edu by Dec. 8, 2023.

K-State’s 2023 Washburn LCE team. Pictured: Back row from left: Emmanuel Jeje, Christopher Randol, Karlyn Gustin, Austin Drake. Front row from left: Jess Ramirez, Anna Coke

Last year, the Staley School took a team of five. View a story map of the event here. Continue reading “Staley School seeks students to participate in leadership challenge event”