Kansas State University


The Loop

Category: Research

Priest co-editor of New Directions for Student Leadership, Special Issue

Kerry Priest, Ph.D., associate professor in the Staley School of Leadership Studies and director of the Leadership Communication Doctoral Program, is a co-editor and contributor to a special issue of New Directions for Student Leadership (NDSL) on the theme of leadership education through complex transitions.

NDSL is a quarterly series that explores leadership concepts and pedagogical topics of interest to educators who design courses and programs for students in high school and university contexts. This special issue was a process and product of more than a year-long collaborative inquiry between leadership educators across eight U.S. higher education institutions. Continue reading “Priest co-editor of New Directions for Student Leadership, Special Issue”

Learning from mistakes: Leading with community

Text - Leadership for a changing world. A Staley School of Leadership Studies blog series

In this series, authors will explore how individuals and communities imagine new ways to lead change, new mindsets to approach complex issues, and new strategies to align leadership theory and practice. We will share examples of how local leaders address global issues, highlighting leadership perspectives and strategic change actions.

Author N’Zoret Innocent Assoman, executive director of LEAD+AFRICA and a graduate teaching assistant in the Staley School of Leadership Studies, reveals challenges encountered as a leader of a nonprofit organization in Cote d’Ivoire. Challenges can feel like set-backs; however, in the final installment of this series, Innocent describes how the lessons learned helped his team to adjust to the new norms of the national ecosystem and move their vision forward.


The desire to bring noticeable changes in our community motivated my peers and me (Ivorian YALI Fellows) to create a non-profit organization (LEAD+AFRICA) in 2018 in Côte d’Ivoire. At the inception of our engagement in the national civil society ecosystem, I was appointed by the board (five people) as the president of the organization (see image 1). I was excited to serve in this position and for the great work we were about to do in the community. Within a few weeks, my excitement turned into anxiety and pressure. There were many unforeseen challenges on the way towards our vision of sustainable impact. These challenges were both external (in our work with the community) and internal (within our organization and within me as the leader). In this blog, I will share an example of one of our first challenges and illustrate the lessons learned, as well as how I continue to navigate challenges as the organization’s leader.

Board member of LEAD+AFRICA sitting at table
Image 1. Board members of LEAD+AFRICA after a youth empowerment workshop, June 2018 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

External resistance

Our planned approach to creating community change was to work with graduate students, universities, and business schools’ administration. Our first action was to submit a note to a business school’s administration in Abobo, Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire). Our intent was to inform the school’s administration about our upcoming seminar, Being a Student and Undertaking a Business is Possible, and ask for approval. Though my team and I were super excited about this theme and its impact on the school, things did not move further as expected.

In response to our query, we received a cold reaction from the administrators of the school. They did not accept our plans because they felt excluded at the inception, during the design. This first confrontation taught us a big lesson as an organization to reconsider our approach within the ecosystem. In fact, we cannot lead change without enabling spaces for sincere collaboration with key stakeholders.

Our firm desire to bring significant changes in the ecosystem deluded our approach to collaborate and work with the main actors of the ecosystem. Seeing ourselves as the solution-providers failed to associate the primary beneficiaries (graduate students and higher education administrators) with the cause.

Identifying the cause of an issue does not guarantee the end of the engagement process, but it should rather set the beginning of an inclusive approach.

An organization should not be static in its approach to leading changes in an ecosystem embedded in routines. Challenges are real and complex – what can be described as “adaptive challenges.” These kinds of challenges are different than technical problems, which can be solved by authority and expertise. Rather, adaptive challenges require a mindset of learning with others, building relationships, and acting experimentally in uncertainty (O’Malley and Cebula, 2015).

This delimitation of our approach surfaced some challenges that humbled our boldness. The internal growth required was to develop new thinking as an organization and develop a more adaptive, inclusive approach to our work.

Internal development

The leadership journey is full of lessons. For us, the lesson was that change cannot happen without the involvement and acceptance of the people most impacted by the problem. To build our capacity for community-engaged social change work, we looked to a framework of youth engagement from (Fletcher and Vargus, 2006. p. 5) as illustrated below:

Diagram showing Cycle of youth engagement
Note: Created by Fletcher (2006)

This model suggests inherent steps for youth contribution and intervention toward social change in any type of context. Fletcher and Vargus (2006) posit that “it can be used to plan, evaluate, or challenge any activity that seeks to engage young people in social change.” It applies to our work because our organization focuses on youth empowerment and capacity building for emulating their role in community development. Reflecting on this model helps us to make meaning on the failed approach described above. Our intention was to empower students and young graduates, yet we did not actually invite them into the process. Relationship-building is very important in the process of leading change. We did not engage any other key stakeholders like professors, the Ministry of Higher Education of Côte d’Ivoire, and School Administrators. We missed the most important part of the engagement process, be WITH them and not just FOR them (Fletcher and Vargus, 2006). Our desire of making change lacked the capacity of fostering change.

As an organization, we realized that we were highly committed to our method and approach, so we thought handling the process alone and coming in like the magic bullet was the right way for us to break the status quo in our country that sustains that young people are unable to bring any significant change to development.

A leader’s perspective

As the leader of our organization, I took a step back. I tried to bring in the big picture we had while coming together to set up the organization (LEAD+AFRICA). I think what was going on in my mind is that we came far with a vision to impact young people through empowerment and capacity-building. We cannot give up unless the expected change and impact occur. Therefore, I shifted my attention to outside the box and thought about what I could bring to the system (structure of the organization) and activate the movement (machine) in the right direction rather than getting stuck on the challenges, which I thought would be recurrent as we are moving forward. It was the right time for me to realign my personal aspirations to meet our organizational vision and goals. From this experience, I can state that bearing a vision is one step, being able to keep it intact over years is another story.

Throughout my experience, I have learned how to take a break, how to navigate, and how to consider some voices even though I am not necessarily accepting what they convey as a message. My ethics, built around integrity, accountability, trust, and transparency, were at play. For example, we got to a level where, for the organization to be considered on relevant platforms in the national ecosystem, like joining the national consortium of youth-led organizations and having access to resources from the government, I would have to compromise my core value of integrity. I refused to engage in shortcuts with traps. The national ecosystem was challenging me to abandon the common vision of my team to join the voice of the majority who do not trust its youth as capable to lead change.

Group of volunteers standing on beach
Image 2. LEAD+AFRICA’s Executives and volunteers, an illustration that we are impacting lives in Côte d’Ivoire.

Key recommendations

Uncertain challenges may always surface over our leadership journey, our ability to overcome those challenges will make the difference. Below I will be sharing some recommendations in that regard:

  • Collaboration and relational leadership are needed

While going through those internal and external challenges, I understood that if, as a team we can strengthen our internal ties by building on values around what we have in common and deepening our sense of belonging to the organization, we will be able to adapt to the external world and resist to all kind of external challenges and threats. Yes, we stand firm today as an organization because we used our relational and adaptive leadership approaches to mitigate the wind of division that was at stake within.

  • Call for your leadership resources within

Indeed, strategic leadership is at play in our current approach. This is an invitation for us as organizations’ leaders to reflect on the following statement as we continue to exercise leadership: “While many factors may interact to cause non-linearity in organizational systems, strategic leaders are in positions to bring people, resources, and knowledge together, and thus serve as a catalyst for adaptive systems’’ (Boal and Schultz, 2007, p. 414).



Boal, K. B., and Schultz, P. L. (2007). Storytelling, time, and evolution: The role of strategic leadership in complex adaptive systems. The Leadership Quarterly, 18(4), 411–428.

Fletcher, A., and Varvus, J. (2006). Guide to social change led by and with young people. University of Nebraska. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/slceguides/4/

O’Malley E., and Cebula, A. (2015). Your leadership edge: Lead anytime, anywhere. Kansas Leadership Center Press.


About the author

photo: Innocent AssomanN’zoret Innocent Assoman is the executive director of LEAD+AFRICA and a graduate teaching assistant in the Staley School of Leadership Studies, Kansas State University, where he teaches LEAD 212: Introduction to leadership concepts. Innocent is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Leadership Communication from K-State, with an interest in the role of youth in the socio-economic development of a nation through civic engagement, especially in West Africa. Innocent is passionate about serving communities and serving youth, and he is the current president of the Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI) West Africa Alumni Chapter of Côte d’Ivoire.

Showing up in crisis: Adaptive organizational leadership in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Text - Leadership for a changing world. A Staley School of Leadership Studies blog series

In this series, authors will explore how individuals and communities imagine new ways to lead change, new mindsets to approach complex issues, and new strategies to align leadership theory and practice. We will share examples of how local leaders address global issues, highlighting leadership perspectives and strategic change actions. 

How leaders and organizations “show up” in times of crisis matters. In this third blog of the Leadership in a Changing World series, leadership communication doctoral student Anisah Ari shares observations and lessons learned from her experiences as a non-profit leader in Nigeria during the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The outbreak of COVID-19 precipitated deep and widespread anxiety, stress, and problems globally that spanned beyond medical concerns. Due to high transmission, governments worldwide placed a lock down order to curb the spread. Organizations were compelled to shut down and devised new ways of working without in-person contact while ensuring maximum productivity in the pool of turmoil. Organizational leadership styles and management approaches also had to evolve. Those who did so successfully engaged in adaptive learning, sense-making, and restructuring by creating adaptive spaces to meet their organizational and environmental needs (Uhl-Bien and Arena, 2018).

The pandemic heralded a new human era—paradoxically creating more relational engagement, despite the remote operational environment. As people felt cut off and isolated, they recognized the need for human connection to live through the uncertainties and opaque realities of the pandemic. The ensuing challenges required people-centric approaches, with emergent solutions led and collectively owned by the people themselves. This was not a practice that existed before due to rigid organizational leadership styles. Continue reading “Showing up in crisis: Adaptive organizational leadership in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic”

Leadership 911: Responsive practices for community development in Iran

Text - Leadership for a changing world. A Staley School of Leadership Studies blog series

In this series, authors will explore how individuals and communities imagine new ways to lead change, new mindsets to approach complex issues and new strategies to align leadership theory and practice. We will share examples of how local leaders address global issues, highlighting leadership perspectives and strategic change actions. 

In this essay, leadership communication doctoral student and graduate research assistant Keyhan Shams, discusses leadership strategies emerging from his experiences as an urban planner and leadership coach in Iran. 

In May 2019, I started a job as a leadership coach for local social change organizations in slums and informal settlements in the southeast of Iran. The 16 targeted communities were highly stuck in wicked problems like poverty, illiteracy, crime, addiction, and environmental pollution. Getting rid of the inappropriate dependency on officials and government and involving people in participatory slum upgrading were our main goal and objective in our Asset Based Community Development approach. When I entered the area, there were 12 Community Based Offices (CBOs) already established, with 72 facilitators, to work as social change organizations and I was supposed to add four more as well as train the facilitators, coach them, and monitor and evaluate their community-based projects. Working nearly two years in those areas, I came up with different strategies for coaching that I had never had any idea of before as an urban planner who would always sit in his office and plan for cities. Continue reading “Leadership 911: Responsive practices for community development in Iran”

Nigerian Changemakers: Making lemonade out of lemons

Text - Leadership for a changing world. A Staley School of Leadership Studies blog series

In this series, authors will explore how individuals and communities imagine new ways to lead change, new mindsets to approach complex issues and new strategies to align leadership theory and practice. We will share examples of how local leaders address global issues, highlighting leadership perspectives and strategic change actions. 

In this first blog of the Leadership in a Changing World series, K-State leadership communication doctoral student and graduate teaching assistant Chibuzor Mirian Azubuike, uses the analogy of making lemonade out of lemons to describe how Nigerian change-makers lead through daily experiences.

The secret to success is to find a need and fill it; find a hurt and heal it; find a problem and solve it. – Robert H. Schuller

The old well in the ground
A well. The previous source of water in the community.

In June 2011, I received a letter that changed the course of my life. I had just graduated from the university and was looking forward to serving my country for one year under the National Youth Service Corps scheme (NYSC). NYSC is a mandatory program where Nigerian graduates below the age of 30 are assigned to serve the country in a different zone than their place of origin or residence. I was in absolute shock to see that I was posted to Bauchi in Northern Nigeria. In this region, the precarious security situation had caused the death of 10 corps members during the election and Boko Haram activities caused an uproar. Continue reading “Nigerian Changemakers: Making lemonade out of lemons”

Reimagining Leadership Together: Leadership Communication Scholars Present at International Conference

Kansas State University leadership communication faculty and doctoral students participated in the 23rd annual International Leadership Association (ILA) Conference. The conference took place Oct.20-23, 2021, in Geneva, Switzerland, and live online Oct. 24-26.

Roberta Maldonado Franzen presents at a podium
Roberta Maldonado Franzen, Ph.D., presents at ILA.

The ILA is the largest worldwide professional community committed to leadership scholarship, practice, development, and education. Their mission is to advance leadership knowledge and practice for a better world.

The annual conference is a space and resource for professional learning and development. This year’s conference theme, Reimagining Leadership Together, invited scholars to reimagine leadership for a safer, more just, and inclusive world.

K-State’s Leadership Communication doctoral program is an interdisciplinary research degree grounded in community-engaged scholarship. The faculty and students study and practice the art of leading change, and produce original research that contributes to making progress on the most difficult challenges of our times.

Leadership communication scholars participated in both the in-person and online sections of the conference, contributing to a total of 18 presentations with global colleagues and community partners. Their scholarship reflects the Staley School of Leadership Studies’ research priorities of advancing leadership learning and development, building civic capacity, and leading change.

Additionally, R.J. Youngblood, assistant director of the Academic Achievement Center at Kansas State University and leadership communication doctoral student, served as 2021chair of the ILA’s Leadership Scholarship Member Community. In this role, she supported conference program planning and engaged scholar-members in discussions around the future of the field.

The following is a full list of presentations:

Research and Practice Posters

Re-Visiting EDU-HEROES: Interviews With Teachers in Tanzania Leadership Education

  • Andrew Wefald, Ph.D., associate professor, Staley School of Leadership Studies
  • Ibrahim Yunus Rashid, Ph.D., University of Dar es Salaam

Interdisciplinary Approach to Leadership Practice and Learning for Youth Development Leadership Education

  • Saya Kakim, doctoral candidate, leadership communication program, Kansas State University
Third Floor Research team at panel discussion
The Third Floor Research team at presents at an ILA panel discussion.

Interactive Roundtable Discussions

Building Leadership and Organizational Capacity Through Coaching and Dialogic Process Consulting Leadership Development

  • Andrew Wefald, Ph.D., associate professor, Staley School of Leadership Studies
  • Brandon W. Kliewer, Ph.D., associate professor of civic leadership, Staley School of Leadership Studies

Responding to Crisis Through Community-Engaged Leadership: Reimagining Education in Nigeria Public Leadership

Staley School faculty and graduate students contribute to publication on Culturally Relevant Leadership Learning

book: Culturally Relevant Leadership LearningFaculty and graduate students at the Kansas State University Staley School of Leadership Studies contributed narratives for a book highlighting the Culturally Relevant Leadership Learning Model and its application in a variety of aspects related to the field of leadership development and education.

Operationalizing Culturally Relevant Leadership Learning highlights the voices and experiences of diverse individuals and how Leadership Educators apply the Culturally Relevant Leadership Learning Model to the many roles associated with their work, including professional development, academic programs, co-curricular programs, and scholarship.

The Staley School of Leadership Studies supports leadership educators and developers everywhere by sharing practices that are relevant to today’s dynamic world. We believe that designing meaningful, culturally relevant learning and development experiences is leadership. Continue reading “Staley School faculty and graduate students contribute to publication on Culturally Relevant Leadership Learning”