Greetings from the Staley School of Leadership Studies! As the 2020-21 academic year closes, I’m reaching out with updates, encouragement, and the wish that all is well with you as we head into summer.
It comes as no surprise that wrapping up the spring semester was incredibly fulfilling for our students, faculty and staff, but even more pride comes from knowing that together we finished strong during our continued times of difficulty and great change. Even though expectations were set in advance, with far fewer surprises than we experienced in the spring 2020 semester, our success still required perseverance, concentrated effort to pursue relationship-building in a time of social distance, and absolute diligence to advance the Staley School mission.
Thankfully, with access to the COVID-19 vaccines, hope is prevalent. We encourage all of our alumni, friends and partners to practice leadership by setting an example and getting vaccinated as soon as possible. In Kansas, The Staley School has partnered with the Kansas Leadership Center and the state of Kansas for the Kansas Beats the Virus initiative, engaging with communities all across the state to developed an action plan that could help slow the spread of COVID-19. Online resources are available to find the closest vaccination location in your area.
The pandemic is not yet behind us, and we all have a part to play. Stay vigilant because we have so much to look forward to this fall and in the year ahead.
Looking ahead Continue reading “News and updates from Mary Tolar, Staley School director”