If your week looks anything like mine, it is full of midterms. Take a break from studying to add these important financial dates to your calendar:
FAFSA Availability Date – October 1st, 2017
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) became available on October 1st. If you are going to be needing federal financial aid for the 2018 -2019 school year, this means you can start or complete the FAFSA for next school year currently. If at any time you have questions on your FAFSA, feel free to schedule an appointment with Powercat Financial to get those questions answered. To access the application, follow the link: https://fafsa.ed.gov/
FAFSA Priority Deadline – December 1st
The priority deadline for Kansas State University students needing federal financial aid for the 2018-2019 school year is December 1st, 2017. Keep in mind, this is only a priority date, not a deadline. You can still apply for financial aid after the priority date. However, there is limited funding for certain aid programs. For this reason, it is best to complete the FAFSA before the priority deadline. This is definitely a date to have marked on your calendar!
Thrifty Gifting Event – November 9th
Every year, Powercat Financial hosts a Thrifty Gifting event. The event consists of FREE FOOD, a quick presentation on how to save money during the holidays, and ends with a game to win prizes. The prizes include Country Stampede tickets, gift cards from various stores and restaurants from around Manhattan, and much more! This year, Thrifty Gifting will be held on November 9th at 4:30 pm in the Union Flint Hills room. Take a break from studying and bring you friends for some holiday financial fun!
Continuing K-State Student Scholarship Application – February 1st, 2018
“I hate getting scholarships”, said no student—ever. If you are a current K-State student, make sure to complete and submit the application for K-State scholarships by February 1st, 2018. This will make you eligible for various scholarships K-State has to offer, including departmental. The form takes about half an hour to complete. You can save your changes as you go along if you only have a minute here or there to complete it. Here is the link to the form: https://apply.ksu.edu/app/Dashboard_open.action
Salt Financial Tool Account Creation – WHENEVER
Every Kansas State student is granted access to a free account with the financial website, Salt. The account is not only free while you’re a student, but it is free for your LIFE. Salt can offer you free student loan advice once you graduate as you will no longer be able to use the services Powercat Financial has to offer. Other than free student loan advice, Salt has a scholarship search, Salt courses over various financial topics, and much more! Powercat Financial typically uses Salt to do a scholarship giveaway in the spring, so making an account now will have you prepared for the giveaway to come! To make an account, follow this link: https://www.saltmoney.org/register/index.html?WT.mc_id=CA-K-STATE-V&oe=001928&br=00
File Your 2017 Tax Returns – April 17, 2018
The traditional deadline for filing your income tax returns is April 15 each year. However for 2017 tax returns, April 15, 2018, will be a Sunday so the deadline would then be pushed to Monday April 16, 2018 — but because April 16, 2018, is on a Monday and is Emancipation Day, the tax deadline will be Tuesday, April 17. Be sure to file your 2017 tax returns by the April 17, 2018, deadline but do so earlier if you can so if you are entitled to a refund those dollars can get into your back account faster. If you owe taxes, you can still defer payment to the due date even if you file ahead. Each year K-State Research & Extension offers a FREE Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) service that will help you prepare your income tax returns at the Manhattan Public Library beginning February 1. They can prepare simple IRS 1040 tax returns and Kansas returns, but cannot prepare itemize returns or returns for members of the military, international students or states other than Kansas. You can set up a VITA appointment at the end of January online via www.riley.ksu.edu.
Graduating K-State Students Job Offer Review – WHENEVER
Have you received a job offer that included benefits such as health insurance and retirement savings vehicles? If so, it is common that the benefits can be confusing to understand. Powercat Financial Peer Counselors can help any K-State student understand the benefits they are being offered and decipher what the best option is. If you find yourself in this situation from now until May 2018, schedule a free and confidential appointment here: https://signin.k-state.edu/WebISO/login?service=https://ksis.k-state.edu/psp/ksis/EMPLOYEE/SA/c/KSU_MENU_CC2.KSU_SS_PFC_SUBMTAP.GBL?FolderPath=PORTAL_ROOT_OBJECT.CO_EMPLOYEE_SELF_SERVICE.KSU_STUDENT_SUCCESS.KSU_SS_PFC_STUDENT_CENTER&IsFolder=false&IgnoreParamTempl=FolderPath%2cIsFolder
Now that you’ve filled out your calendar with important financial dates, you can continue to study with a peace of mind. If you ever have any questions or financial issues you need help solving, I recommend schedule a free and confidential appointment with Powercat Financial! Any peer counselor would love to help you out.
Happy studying!
Allison Becker
Peer Counselor III
Powercat Financial