Kansas State University


Powercat Financial

Eating Healthy While Saving Money

If you are anything like me, eating healthy foods feels good! I tend to feel more energy, be more focused, and happier while feeling less stressed, bloated, and tired. However, I find it extremely difficult to eat healthy foods while I have been in college. I have always thought that healthy foods are expensive and since I am on a college budget, a.k.a. broke, I do not want to spend what I have on expensive healthy food. However, as I enter my 2nd year of graduate school, I have found that eating healthy while on a college budget is doable and it starts with creating habits.

Habit 1: Go to the grocery store with a plan. Just like Coach Klieman prepares each year to beat OU, you should prepare to go grocery store with a plan. Identify what you are wanting to make for that week. Buy fresh produce and plan to use it that week, so it will not go bad.

Habit 2: Shop the sales and use coupons! Grocery stores have sales daily. Identify if you can replace the fruit or another type, or cereal for a cereal on sale. Additionally, many stores will have coupons available near the front doors. Pick up these coupons and see if you can use them with your grocery plan.

Habit 3: Meal prep: Meal prepping is a great way to save money and incorporate healthy foods. There are many influencers on social media that have great videos on how to meal prep with tasty healthy foods. It will take time and energy to get in the habit of meal prepping but the time and energy will pay off. Here is a great site with some amazing recipes to meal prep: Meal Prep Recipes.  

Habit 4: Farmer’s Market: Every Saturday Manhattan, KS has a farmer’s market in the Dillard’s west parking lot. Farmers markets make it easy to buy fresh organic food. Most food items sold tend to be cheaper than supermarket prices. If you have the time, check out MHK’s local famer’s market: https://manhattanfarmersmarket.org/

Habit 5: Buy what you will eat. This habit may seem counter intuitive about eating healthy; however, I believe it is an important habit to build. If you feel like you will not eat a bag of carrots or bundle of bananas don’t buy them. Save the money! You should try and incorporate these foods into your meal prep.

Lastly, I wanted to mention that Powercat Financial is hosting our annual Eating Healthy on a Budget event on October 5th from 4:00-5:00pm in the Union Cottonwood Room. Stop by and learn additional tips and tricks on how to eat healthy and enjoy some free food!

As a reminder Powercat Financial is here to help. Please stop by the third floor of the Union or make an appointment on our website to visit with Powercat Financial.

Eli McDonald

Graduate Assistant

Powercat Financial





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