Kansas State University


Powercat Financial

Come see Young Money LIVE! Tuesday April 3rd 5:30-6:30

Learn 5 Powerful Steps To Financial Success at Young Money LIVE!

Do you worry that you need a six-figure salary to be financially successful?  Do you have money on your mind more often than you’d like? Do you feel overwhelmed because you don’t know where to start when it comes to managing your money?

Worry no more! Powercat Financial is hosting Todd Romer, founder of Young Money University and the Young Money LIVE! Financial Success Speaking Tour. Romer has been teaching and coaching thousands of millennials how to create a life that fits their dreams by learning how to think about and see money differently. Many of the students he has visited on college campuses even began calling him their money coach. He is also the author of the new book Young Money: A Powerful 5 Step Plan to Financial Success Now.

The 1st step of his book is to Make a Decision to Dream.

Romer mentions that although it may seem odd, this step is absolutely essential in creating the foundation to one’s financial success. He believes that too many young adults “are just wandering through life and afraid to dream real dreams because of good old fashioned fear”.

Figure Our Your Why?

Romer then challenges us to find our purpose or reasoning behind our goals and dreams. He believes finding our WHY is what will consistently motivate us to stay committed. If we remember and focus on our WHY, our purpose, then everything should fall into place.

Set Short, Mid, and Long Term SMART Goals

It is important that we give ourselves the practice of achieving short term goals first so that we don’t get discouraged in achieving those larger dreams and goals. Be sure that when setting goals that they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.  A few examples are listed below:

  1. Short Term – I will set up an automatic savings plan this week by having my employer put away 10% of my paycheck into my savings account and the remaining 90% into my checking account.
  2. Mid Term – I will save $7,000 within 1 year to put toward a used car.
  3. Long Term – I will save $150,000 in 15 years to pay off my mortgage in half the time.

To find out Steps 2 – 5, attend Young Money LIVE! on Tuesday, April 3 at 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. in Room 1088 of the College of Business. The first 75 student attendees will receive a free copy of his book! Stick around afterwards for a book signing reception from 6:30 -7:30 in the atrium of the College of Business.

Co-sponsors of this event include Powercat Financial, the College of Business and K-State Credit Union. This event kicks off April’s Financial Literacy Month and is part of Wildcat Wellness Week.

If you have any questions about the event, please don’t hesitate to email Powercat Financial at powercatfinancial@ksu.edu.

Princess Moran

Graduate Assistant and Peer Financial Counselor I

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About Powercat Financial

Director of PFC