
Hello K-State!
For those of you who do not know, my name is Ryan Reed and I am the Attorney General for our Student Governing Association at Kansas State. This places me in charge of the Judicial Branch of student government. In my capacity as Attorney General I oversee complaints of violations of the Student Code of Conduct and facilitate these complaints through our student hearing board system. Along with those duties, I am also tasked with finding ways to improve and update the Student Code of Conduct and the Judicial Branch as a whole.
This past week, SGA sent me to the Association for Student Conduct Administration’s or ASCA’s annual student conduct conference in Florida. This conference brings together many of the leading theorists and facilitators of student conduct in the nation. Universities and student conduct organizations, such as the NCHERM Group, presented on nearly every aspect of student conduct. For me personally, it was an invaluable experience and I am exceptionally grateful to SGA for the opportunity to attend.
My purpose for sharing this with you is to inform you all that my branch is currently in the process of rewriting the Student Code of Conduct here at Kansas State. My attendance at the annual ASCA conference is just one way that we are trying to build the most comprehensive, understandable, and successful code of conduct possible. We are building a document based around a restorative justice model. In this model we aim to restore what has been lost or damaged rather than simply punish an individual for their actions. We are finding new ways to accomplish this in a more educational and supportive environment than we ever have before. We hope to do this by making the process more efficient and easy to understand by avoiding legalize, providing student support through a Rights and Responsibilities Conference, and offering access to a campus-wide mediation program to name a few.
If any of you have any questions or concerns about these changes or would like to offer input into the process, I would encourage you to contact me at the e-mail address listed below.
Happy K-State PROUD Week and go Cats!
Ryan Reed
Attorney General


The Judicial Branch is responsible for reviewing matters of non-academic disciplinary complaints, violations of the K-State SGA Constitution, the Conduct Code, Residence Life Policies, Housing and Dining Services Contracts, interferences with students’ rights and freedoms, and appeals of K-State Police Department parking citations.

It aims to ensure fair treatment of students and serve as a judicial authority for resolving complaints and appeals. Judicial boards offer authoritative means to impose sanctions and levy disciplinary actions against students found to be in misconduct or engaging in harassment of fellow students. For students who feel they have been wronged, the judicial system often serves as an avenue of last resort after they fail to resolve their issues by other means.

Attorney General

The Attorney General serves as a liaison between Student Senate, the student body, and the Judicial Branch after being appointed by the Student Body President. The Attorney General’s role is to make preliminary decisions for cases that are filed, such as which board should be responsible for hearing the case, appoint Judicial Board members, and serve as a point of contact for judicial complaints.

Students with legitimate complaints have a right to petition a judicial board and have their case heard. To file a case with the Judicial Branch, contact Attorney General Ryan Reed at rreed14@k-state.edu. Once a case is started, the appropriate board will receive the information and contact the student regarding further action.

Judicial Boards:


Judicial Council

The purpose of Judicial Council is to advise the Attorney General of happenings within the Judicial Branch, act as the designee of  the Attorney General if need be, help with the training of Judicial Boards, distribute information educating students on the Judicial Branch, prepare a report on the state of the Judicial Branch for Senate, and much more. This Council is currently being redesigned to make it more accessible and useful to the needs of the Attorney General.

Judicial Council is a board consisting of members of the Dean of Students or designee, the KSU SGA Attorney.
The council consists of a General who shall serve as Chair, and five students as follows:
1. One student, currently residing in a University residence hall, appointed by the President
of Kansas State University Association of Residence Halls.
2. One student belonging to a fraternity or sorority, jointly appointed by the Presidents of
Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council and National Pan-Hellenic Council.
3. One off-campus student unaffiliated with any recognized University living organization
or housing unit, appointed by the Student Body President.
4. One Student Senator appointed by the Speaker of the Student Senate.
5. One student-at-large appointed by the Student Body President.


The Student Tribunal

The Student Tribunal serves as a means for appealing judicial rulings and has the power to interpret SGA governing documents.


Parking Citations Board

Parking Citations Appeals Boards do exactly what the title suggests. These students, faculty members, and KSU staff hear and decide upon appeals made by students ticketed by Parking Services. They are overseen by two co-chairs and the Attorney General.

Student Review Board

Student Review Board hears cases involving violations of the Conduct Code occurring on campus or at off-campus university sponsored events. Student Review Board in composed of one faculty member selected by Faculty Senate and five students appointed by the Student Body President, one being designated as Chair, as follows:

  • One off-campus student unaffiliated with an organized living group.
  • One student from a Fraternity or Sorority which is a member of Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council or Black Panhellenic Council.
  • One student from the KSU Association of Residence Halls (KSUARH).
  • Two at-large students.

Ad Hoc Boards

Ad Hoc Boards are created when there needs to be a hearing on short notice, or if a strange circumstance arises where a hearing does not fall under one of the other normal boards.

Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards

The Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards were just recently reorganized. There will now be a single board for all residence halls on campus, and a single board for the Jardine Apartments. These boards will consist of representatives from all living areas selected on a rotating basis. Chairman of these boards will be selected through an interview process. Both of these boards are directly overseen and ran by the Assistant Attorney General for Residence Life. The Assistant Attorney General is advised by the Attorney General and Judicial Advisor.

Judicial documents

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