The USAID Mission in Tanzania sponsored and hosted a five day (6th to 10th of February 2017) training on environmental sensitivity in Morogoro, Tanzania. USAID Mission staff, USAID implementing partners, university representatives, and government officials attended the training. The USAID Global Environmental Management Support Project (GEMS) provided technical and logistic support on environmental safety training, planning, and delivery.
The goal of the training was to strengthen environmentally sound design and management. Participants developed skills in integrating environmental considerations into overall projects through lectures and demonstrations.
Jovin Lwehabura, regional coordinator for the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification (SIIL) for the East Africa, was one of the participants attending the training. This training was beneficial for the SIIL’s focus country subaward in Tanzania and the other SIIL subawards across the globe.
Environmental effects are consistently reviewed in the development of sustainably intensified systems, and thus they remain a key consideration in SIIL activities. Additionally, the SIIL maintains a commitment to capacity building in all focus countries.